Wednesday, May 13, 2020

From Normal to Destruction

For several years, Fiorella has written pppwww, espanol, piedras, arboles, lena at the top of her to-do list, but everything changed when she became a widow.  Paper, plies, post, weight, walk, write, rocks, Spanish, trees, and firewood did not seem to be as important as they used to be because Fio had entered into a new normal--the legal aftermath of a death,  and now, with coronavirus, she's in yet another new normal. Within a year, she will probably have sold her house, which will catapult her into yet another new normal. Come to think of it, there have been quite a few new normals in her life that she has had to adjust to. Maybe that's just how the ol' ball bounces.
Fio now understands why one of her first romances, Ann and Neil's story, never got picked up by a publisher. She had too many subplots within the main story and had given names to every passer-by. Does that mean Fiorella will ditch her leading characters? No way! She likes the basic set-up and will try to work from there.
Fio had started doubling down on groceries a couple of months before the virus struck, but she didn't remember she'd done the same for extras too until she ran out of hairspray and checked her bathroom supply closet. There it was, a second a big, tall, black can of Tresemme. Same for her sunscreen.
How your girl would like to use her sheltering time is to paint, write, and compose. What she's ended up spending most of her time doing is destructing the house to get it ready for sale.
At some point, Trump is going to lock himself in the bathroom and blow himself to smithereens with non-stop tweeting. C'mon now. Everybody must have realized he's gone over the hill.

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