Thursday, December 6, 2012

Mitochondrial Contact

Yesterday was Mother's birthday, and Fiorella thought about her a lot.  Mother died several years ago,  but her spirit is still floating around somewhere nearby.  Fio now understands why people pray to saints--not that she actually asks her mother for divine intervention--not that Fio's mother was one--but she does channel strength from her.  She also seeks strength from the spirit if her paternal grandmother, who died when Fio was three.  Grandma had a hard life--widowed when she was in her early twenties, with three young children to care for.  Fio has Grandma's handbag, which contains her Russian Orthodox missal and her "mourning clothes"--a black blouse and black print scarf.  Thus may seem crazy, but in times of dire despair, Fio holds the handbag close and feels comforted.

Your mother is always with you, and so is your grandmother.

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