Friday, July 16, 2010

The Slow Lane

Yesterday began with laughter as Husband tromped into the bedroom, loudly proclaimed birthday greetings, and presented Fiorella with a card, a kiss, and a crossword dictionary. To top it off, he urged Wendy Dog up on the bed for a good morning slurp.

The day continued with a phone call from Daughter and a drive into Austin to have lunch with Friend Paula. Home again, Fio had a mid-afternoon snack of one-third a chocolate birthday cake Husband had picked up at Upper Crust, read a little and rested a lot, then practiced piano. Supper was vanilla ice cream covered with Hard Shell.

Aah, burp. Life is good.

1 comment:

Gary said...

Belated Happy Birthday! I promise not to crawl up on your bed for a slurp.