Sunday, July 25, 2010

Summertime Visitors

Recently Fiorella has been confronted by some wildlife she'd rather not see again. You've already heard about the cicada on the bedroom wall, but she hasn't told you about the scorpion in the guest room, the centipede wiggling down the hall, and the gargantuan grasshopper(?) in the kitchen.

The scorpion was not unexpected at this time of year--apparently they too try to escape the heat--and Fio's flyswatter quickly dispatched it to wherever scorpion souls go. The centipede, though, was a real thrill. Fiorella had never seen anything like it--four inches long, brown and orange, millions of moving parts, with nasty looking pincers at one end. She went for the flyswatter and bashed it several times, but its innards never squished out so she thinks it was just stunned. Whatever, she tossed it outside for the birds to eat.

Next appeared the large grasshopper-looking thing with barbed legs and antennae about two inches long. It too met with the business end of Mr. Flyswatter.

Fio could never get the hang of the art of fencing when she was in college, but she's hell on wheels with a flyswatter.

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