Monday, November 13, 2023

This Is A Short One Because Fio May Have Swallowed the WRONG PILL!

 Uh-oh----Son's little dogs are using your girl's bedroom floor as a bathroom, but guest what? Son and his wife took care of the situation lickity split the second that Fio reported it. (Do you think Fiorella could hire them out?)

Otherwise, it's been a bad day for your girl--overcast, only one person to wave to during her walk, worrying about getting someone drive her over to the Doctor's office to get her blood test taken, etc. IF ONLY FIORELLA COULD DRIVE LIKE SHE USED TO-----or at least have a chauffeur.

For some reason she knows not of, your girl hasn't marked whether or not she's taken her red pill--THE pill that controls everything. Ah well, Fio's visiting the doctor tomorrow and he'll put her in good shapr

Fiorella can only watch The First Wives for a certain number of number of times without switching off the remote, and now she's has met her match, so what can she do till then, but worry about the red pill?


As your girl often says, PRAY FOR ME!





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