Monday, November 6, 2023


 Fio probably got yesterday's message all garbled, and she may be somewhat garbled today because she's still somewhere in yesteryear, although the white cat that loves her is doing his best to drag her back into realty.  After all, your girl has to prepare herself for tomorrow's blood check-up--which may not be too great because Fiorella has skipped a couple of check-ups because she didn't know how to work a cell-phone. (Don't laugh. You know that Fio is charming rather than mechanical.)๐Ÿ˜ž๐Ÿ˜ž

If only there were a nice lady in the neighborhood who would take Fiorella under her wing, but all the women in her area either work in town or stay inside or in the backyard. 

Just noticed that we're the only house on the block with its Halloween decorations still up....including the remains of the bloody hands reaching out the window. Is this a contest?

Fio is very lonely today. Everything is so silent, and she can only watch First Wives Club a certain number of times over before going stark raving mad!

Took a walk around the cul-de-sac and noticed that the white truck which is always sitting off the side of the road down by the highway as if waiting for service wasn't there today. Should your girl call the police?

German: Here's an easy one for you:      Gold

               Be sure to get a hard back on it!


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