Sunday, November 12, 2023

One of Fiorella's Best Poems

 Fiorella is getting nostalgia.....

Love Endures

                         LOVE ENDURES

 How long lasts love? Past tomorrows  dawn?

Past hurt and anger, betrayal, desertion, death? 

This weakness of the heart--will it be strong

Enough to last the years, yet be weak yet?

Love ripens in the lusty sun of youth

And is consumed, but blossoms ever-sweet

To be the springtime baby's first spooned fruit,

The sustenance of summer, winter's treat--

The music of the song survives the singer

And echos of itself divinity;

Thus Love and Beauty, Truth, and Courage linger

Long past their actors in eternity...

     How long lasts love? My love is yours

     As long as Love endures; yes, love endures




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