Monday, June 7, 2021

Day and Night

 As you've probably figured out, Fiorella, a technological idiot, forgot to publish yesterday's blog till now, so you're going to be getting an overload today. 

It's three o'clock in the morning right now, and yes, your girl is wide awake and working on her salon/studio/arts-and-crafts room. It's easier for her to picture her ultimate goal when she's alone in a silent world, and tonight, she's hit jack pot, arranging and rearranging until she finally got everything just the way she wanted it and when, just now, she tested her arrangement against the large painting that she wants to showcase--the one of her in a long dress with a bear rug under her feet and a rose in her hand--everything came together!

AND FIO SAYS AGAIN: she is in desperate need of a handyman. Your girl can move furniture around and paint pictures, but she does not have the skills or equipment to remodel her clothes closet, shave her bedroom woodwork, or add protective edges to the black chests on both sides of her bed. Any takers?

Fiorella's ripped her way through all the universal remote selections on TV, or at least all the ones she's even halfway interested in, so she's going to have to dig up some other form of non-athletic entertainment. Maybe some of those old romances she's dug up can do the trick.

Hip, hip, hooray! The nice lady who worked out all of Fio's physical check-ups is now working on finding her an appropriate counselor.




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