Saturday, April 6, 2024

Silly Poetry, Poetry, Poetry!

         An oldie, but a goodie: another one of Fiorella's complaints about the weather, which, for some reason, never seems to pay attention to her 😠😠😠

       Weather Threat

Hey, Mr. Weatherman,                                           

Where's my snow?                                              

The wonderland I ordered up  

A month ago?

  It looks like Spring out--

The grass is green

With not a single snowflake

To be seen--

   Last chance, Mr. Weatherman

Better make it snow

Or else I'll no longer 

Watch your show!


The Whistle-ding-chime-bing-bong Song

    Our teapot whistles

    Our dishwasher dings 

    Our refrigerator chimes

    Our microwave bings

    And our alarm puts out

    One long bong 

    To harmonize

    Our kitchen song!


Yes, I write doodles all the time

And do my best to make them rhyme,

It's cleverness on  Fio's myour help and finebehalf  

Enough to make you smile and laugh😊😊😊



           A Genuinely Silly Poem by Someone in a Hurry

      Eek, eek, eek, and Jim, John, Joe--

I've messed up my poem from head to toe





Here I am running, looking high and low,

     But not at all sure where I should go--

 Except maybe back home on tippy toe--

      And if the sun is drawing low,

      I'll grab up a shovel and hoe, hoe, hoe!


Your girl is going to be shuffling off to Buffalo today or tomorrow to spend some time with her daughter's family, then she'll return to home base and pick up where she left off, for better or worse. In the meantime, she's seen the eclipse--with special glasses, of course--and caught up with Brother and his wife. Fio was thrilled to see the moon play its game, but even more excited to visit with her kin.


Seeing her Fiorella's late parents' belongings being used by the rest of the family (as  she also has done) makes your girl feel warm, as if Mom and Dad are still with her.


 Isn't it great to have a giant black ball splashed across the front of the newspaper rather than politics and the latest murder? Even the Israli--xxXxxx  had to pause.






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