Tuesday, March 5, 2024


 Another poem from times past--your girl wrote it with her heart and ran it in Suburban Notebook, a sixteen page newspaper she wrote in the 1980s.

                       Love Endures

    How long lasts love? Past tomorrow's dawn?

Past hurt and anger, betrayal, desertion, death?

This weakness of the heart--will it be strong

Enough to last the years, yet be weak yet?

   Love ripens in the lusty sun of youth

And is consumed, but blossoms ever-sweet

To be the springtime baby's first-spooned fruit,

The sustenance of summer, winter's treat

     The Music of the song survives the singer

And echoes of itself divinity--

Thus Love and Beauty, Truth and Courage linger

Long past their actors in eternity--

     How long lasts love? My love is yours

     As long as Love endures, yes, Love endures

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