Saturday, December 16, 2023


 What to do next? Fiorella has actually--really and truly--pulled all the things that were on top of her bureau together and cleaned the place up, and that now she is eyeing one of the cabinets on the side of her bed. WHOOPEE!

Did Fio tell you that one of Son L's cats ran away two nights ago but the other one stayed put? As expected, the new cat was the one that jumped the fence while the white one (ahem, the one who likes Fiorella) stayed put. After all, it knew that the the food served inside was better--and more regular--than whatever was available in the wide, wide, world.

The city is trying to lure aging artists back to its clutches and Fio is willing to try it out once again, but only if there is a taxi nearby. The first two times she tried, your girl was the only one who made an appearance....except for the clutch of dangerous looking gamblers toward the back of the room.

Your girl is getting tired of watching the same, same movies with her remote, but the game is that we watch only the old, free ones. (Fio had no idea that Goldie Haun is now in her seventies!)

 Please remind Fiorella that she should be composing a carol or a poem or maybe both before Christmas is over. After all, if she has cleaned up her room, what other things can she do?


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