Monday, December 11, 2023


 OOPS, yesterday was supposed to be the tenth and this be the eleventh. Mistakes like that remind you that this blog is being written by a real, live person. In this case, the person is grinding her teeth because she couldn't get anybody to check her blood and probably will be in the same situation tomorrow--or maybe for the whole Christmas season.

By the way, Fio found the birthday check for Son L that she was afraid she had lost and searched the whole morning about, then found it exactly where it was supposed to be.

If you visit me during the season, be sure to compliment your girl on the six Christmas cards of poetry that she composed in latter times and has mounted this years on the door to the piano room. And while you're at it, also at least  glance at the large Christmas design she mounted on the window in the study, and when you come in the door, enjoy the formation of the fake holly.

 Fiorella can't help but remember her Christmas decoration when she was a child because most of them are still being used one way or another--being handed down to another generation😊

Her parents would be pleased.


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