Tuesday, November 14, 2023


 Fiorella is still alive so she must not have swallowed the wrong pill, and when Son L drove her to her doctor's quarters this afternoon, her nurse ACTUALLY TOLD HER TO CUT HER WARFARIN (a very nasty pill) IN TWO so she will be just swallowing HALF of it each day. Whoopee! Your girl is making progress! Now, if she can just attract a friend....whose still driving.

Fio's been flirting with the idea of finishing off that third romance novel that she started on about five years ago. Maybe she can also rewrite her published books under a new name. Don't tell!

Walgreens called your girl about some pills that she supposedly ordered way back, and Fio will go over there and see if they are any of her current catalogue, but this is the second time around and she's getting suspicious.

Your girl has written so many poems and stories, and even had some of them published, but what she wants is for ALL of them to be published. Any ideas how to do it?  HELP! She doesn't want to end up in the trash bin!

Did Fiorella ever tell you that she had four years of Latin in Waco, Texas? 

Anyone else out there remember Miss Osborne?






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