Sunday, February 26, 2023

SPRING HAS SPRUNG--at least in Central Texas

 Birds twittering, a Black Lab being trained, and dandelions sprouting out of the lawn--those are the joys that Fiorella encountered on her walk up the street and around the cul-de-sac this morning. Can there be any better way to begin the day?

Fiorella was unable to interview the dandelions, but she's always thought they were beautiful and regretted them having to be pulled up to protect the lawn. (Why couldn't someone have bred those pretties to a less vicious plant so our lawns could be interspersed by bright yellow?)

This was the first time your girl had met the black Lab, but it won't be the last if his owner, a young woman who seemed wary of Fio's interest in her dog, takes the same route every day. Asa you know, your girl likes big dogs, and she might even be able to soften up his owner. 

Regarding the birds, they sounded like heaven, but Fiorella is also aware that, because they'll be nesting,  we will have to put out a mat at the front door to collect and deposit their feces every day. 'Nuf said.

TOTAL CHANGE OF TOPIC: You won't believe this, but Fio, a mere mortal, got herself into trouble by overpaying her mortgage seven months in advance. Apparently, the all-knowing machines didn't understand what she, a mere mortal, was doing.


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