Friday, February 24, 2023


 Fiorella had her first migraine in years, and it was the visual kind, but what else do you expect from an artist?  Son L thinks the migraine occurred because Fio doesn't drink enough water, but your girl did some research and it looks like most people in the know think that tension is the cause of the fuzzy--but beautiful--migraine rainbows.

But, Fio, what are you so tense about, you might ask. Well, for one thing, Fiorella wonders if she's already talked too much about the recurrence of her migraines and doesn't want to bore you. The second  is that the migraines themselves interrupt her OWN contemplations.  Your girl is trying to carve out a new life for herself, you know. It's been quite a time since her husband died and she got caught in the governor's ice storm, sold the ranch, then set up housekeeping with her younger son and his family. What is next on her plate?

Right now, your girl is trying to pull her own health together by making sure her heart is recovering properly and that her left knee continues to repair itself. Then she has to check herself in case there's anything that can be done regarding her eyesight--remember that Fiorella's left eye has been half-blind since she was in her early twenties. 

Plus, your girl wants to get her everlasting "cold" taken care of so she can sing again. She also wants to be able to play around with languages, the joy of her life. How about also starting with German, Russian, French, and Spanish? Later, she can add in Telugu and whatever else she'd like to revive her knowledge of.

To finish off the show, of course, Fiorella would pick up her brushes and decorate, decorate, decorate, and the whole world would be happy!


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