Yes, Fiorella is sort of nervous as she gets closer and closer to her knee surgery, but she's more concerned about the pharmaceutical stuff than the knives and hammers. Wish her luck!
She's also in shock at the television reports on the attacks on the capital, even though they're old hat by now. Maybe it was the extremism of the close-ups that did her in.
Why, oh, why did your girl pull all her Fiorella books down from the highest steeple in her study to prove to Son L that she had been writing her blog for a l-o-n-g time? All he did was take a look at the parade down the long wall of her bedroom, grunt "Oh," and go get ready for supper. DANG--now your girl has to mount the the stepladder and put those books into place again! (Anybody want to help?)
Actually, the whole scene reminded Fio that she MUST get the last five or six yearly editions of her blog run off on paper. Hold up your hands if you want to volunteer! (Yes, I know you're muttering under your breath about Fiorella not keeping up with the times, but just think of her as charmingly picturesque.)
HIP, HOORAY--Son L is going to show your girl how to add her own two bits to Beto O'Rourke's campaign gelt.
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