Tuesday, June 7, 2022

Just Between You and me

 Fiorella will try to be more upbeat. It is true that her skinned knees (a la Walgreens) are looking better and that Son L is cleaning out the oven so your girl can bake salmon in it, but Fio wants more--to talk to people, to laugh together, to make the world a better place, but at the moment, she doesn't even know how to contribute to Beto O'Roarke's election fund.

"Where are all the things you planned to do?' you ask. "Sure, you can't play the piano now, but what about all those languages you wanted to dive into, the stories you wanted to write, the pictures you wanted to paint?"

Hmm, I remember....My on-line attempt at German went down the drain, but maybe I could locate someone who could teach me how to learn on line. Or maybe I could take a photo of Granddaughter and turn it into a painting--after all, art was my first-found talent.

Thanks, everyone! You've given me some hope. I'll report in tomorrow!


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