Yes, Fiorella is still alive--sort of. The hospital that she has been staying in has had a Covid scare so every nitch and cranny is being wiped over and son can't visit her. Your girl is alone, alone, alone. More fun.
Hoping for the best,
Yes, Fiorella is still alive--sort of. The hospital that she has been staying in has had a Covid scare so every nitch and cranny is being wiped over and son can't visit her. Your girl is alone, alone, alone. More fun.
Hoping for the best,
Remember how happy your girl was about getting her left leg repaired? Well, it turned out that the situation was a lot more complicated that the doctor had expected and Fio ended up with a foot-long scar down a leg so swollen that it looked like a bowling ball, one she couldn't lift, no matter how hard she tried.
Son arranged for her to go a xxxxxx, and Fio is making some progress now. despite herself. Today is the best day so far--she's even been able to to go up and down a ramp in wheel chair. Wish her well.
Fiorella will probably be off line for a day or two this week--she's getting her gimpy left knee replaced.
Hopefully, the hospital will have some kind of computer hook-up so its patients won't start climbing the walls, but your girl might be so doped up that she won't be able to use it.
On the other hand, if the hospital does have a hook-up and Fio can hold herself upright, she might be able work on that new romance she's been plotting on and off. Or maybe she'll grab a German book as she goes out the door to entertain and engage her.
Whatever--she just hopes that when she gets back home, her knee will be in better condition than it is now.
Pleas wish Fiorella well....
Another day, another dollar, another visit to the hospital to prepare Fio for the knee surgery on Thursday. In the meantime, she's tidying up her room, practicing voice and piano, and trying to get hold of a med she's running low on.
She's also wondering when her new friend will appear and if they will take to each other. Hey, what if she's someone your girl has known in the past? WHOOPEE!
Actually, Fio is bored to pieces right now, especially since she's already seen all the political shows--and they keep repeating themselves. Fiorella already knows Trump is a bad, bad person--actually, a killer by proxy--and, angry as she is, she wants him to swing for it!
Fiorella's big--and WONDERFUL--surprise for the day was a cross-continent phone call from Friend Suzy. Yep, it's her friends that keep her going. Keep it up!
Has Fio told you that a big, beautiful Persion cat has been visiting her bedroom? Yep, it seems to like the way your friend strokes its back and scratches behind its ears.
Your girl had not only a good day but a GREAT day. The "good" is because she made contact with someone who can hook her up with a German teacher, and the "GREAT" is because it looks like she will soon have that friend she's been longing for. (And before you ask, yes---they've both been recommended by reputable sources.)
Don't tell anybody because Fiorella isn't sure of it right now, but she thinks her carpal tunnel is, at last, on its way out, which reopens prospects for her on the piano. In the same category, she's been working more on her singing voice, which seems to get better every day. (There's no way it could have gotten worse!)
Like everyone else, your girl has also had her eyes and ears tuned to what might be called the "Trump Hearings." What a horrible person that man is. Fio's theory is that Putin seduced him early on so there'd be minimal outrage when Russia finally attacked the Utraine for real.
About that upcoming surgery, Fiorella got some kind of shot yesterday at the hospital and will get another one today. The operation will be the next day, and Fio wouldn't mind if you sent up a few prayers for her. It would be nice if you prayed for her daughter too--WHO IS GOING TO HAVE A BABY SOONER RATHER THAN LATER!πππππππππ
Fio watched a spell-binding TV show last night in which a handsome young vampire won out over a gross older vampire who, with his last words, told the hero that he (the villain) was his (the hero's) father. Sound familiar? Hello, Darth Vader .....
As you know, Fiorella is trying to pull herself together, she's happy to tell you that she's moving right along on the physical front, with only her knee and her nasal congestion to go, but not doing as well as she'd like on the psychological and personal front. She still doesn't have any local new friends so Son L has helped her get in touch with a program that hopefully will give her some solace.
In the meantime, your girl is preparing for the knee surgery on Thursday by dodging in and out of the local hospital to get Lovenox shots. Neither she nor Son L can puncture skin so Fio has hire faithful Chariot to transport her.
Like everyone else in the country, Fiorella has been glued to the TV screen for the last couple of days. Apparently, Trump was trying to slither over from president to dictator and even his daughter tried to dissuade him--or so she says with wide-eyed innocence.
Getting back to Darth Vader et al, your girl is mulling around the idea of writing her own version of the hero/villain relationship plot. Hmmmmmm.........
This has been a bad, bad day
And Fio has nothing else to say
But wonders why, when worse goes to worse,
She's driven to express herself in verse
Yes, Fiorella is sort of nervous as she gets closer and closer to her knee surgery, but she's more concerned about the pharmaceutical stuff than the knives and hammers. Wish her luck!
She's also in shock at the television reports on the attacks on the capital, even though they're old hat by now. Maybe it was the extremism of the close-ups that did her in.
Why, oh, why did your girl pull all her Fiorella books down from the highest steeple in her study to prove to Son L that she had been writing her blog for a l-o-n-g time? All he did was take a look at the parade down the long wall of her bedroom, grunt "Oh," and go get ready for supper. DANG--now your girl has to mount the the stepladder and put those books into place again! (Anybody want to help?)
Actually, the whole scene reminded Fio that she MUST get the last five or six yearly editions of her blog run off on paper. Hold up your hands if you want to volunteer! (Yes, I know you're muttering under your breath about Fiorella not keeping up with the times, but just think of her as charmingly picturesque.)
HIP, HOORAY--Son L is going to show your girl how to add her own two bits to Beto O'Rourke's campaign gelt.
Back to bad times again...sorry. Fio is experimenting with using her computer at the desk outside her bedroom, but it doesn't seem to work out well that way so it'll probably be back to her bedroom for her again.
Son insisted that Fiorella hadn't been writing her blog more than three or four years, so your girl climbed up her faithful stepladder and pulled down more than twenty years of it--which surprised even her. Surely she should put everything together in one big bible sometime.
Does Fio make any sense? If not, please forgive her. She's still having problems with the three "U"s--Ukraine, which seems to be going to the dogs, Uvalde,which makes her heart weep, and UT, which clogs her memories. Son L has called a grief counselor and Fiorella hopes he/she will appear, although it will probably not be till be tomorrow.
Your girl has another worry too. She's already started being prepped for that upcoming knee operation, but what if she's messed up her knee on that fall outside Walgreens so badly that she'll have to start all over again?
Damn! Fiorella just realized that she's been going backward ever since the Uvalde massacre....backward toward her roots, you might say. Will she ever escape from the UT massacre, the one that shaped her family's destiny?
As you can tell, Fiorella is still trying to get her mojo back after it was kicked to the floor by the reenactment of the UT Tower shooting, the one that hung over her family unto the third generation. Everyone tells her that she must move on, but that's hard to do when you're carrying a double load and fearful of a triple. Nevertheless, they are right---she must move on. But how? Your girl has four major talents, as you know--music, art, languages, and literature--but can't seem to grab hold of any of them right now. Carpal tunnel has crippled her piano playing, she doesn't have an outlet for her art, her attempt to pick up German again went terribly astray, and every time she tries to work on a new story, something intervenes. It's like being in jail.
Sorry if Fio is getting repetitive, but nothing new and interesting seems to come her way. Maybe it's because of the lingering Covid and its offsprings that hold us all apart from each other, or maybe it's because your girl doesn't have instant transportation available.
This is the time of year when everyone in Texas when everyone turns on the air conditioning, the pets are called inside, and, on the sizzling sidewalk, dead worms are curled into circles as if reaching for their tails. One can almost feel sorry for them.
MEMORIES: A flash of nostalgia just whipped through your girl. This is also the time of year that, with school out, Fiorella gathered together her cohorts and masterminded little shows for their parents on the Paule's patio or the Hicks's sedentary round-about. (Fio's parents' yard sank too much toward the alley to be a workable stage.)
Hmm...the local cat is supposed to be a male, but Fio has just spotted nipples on him all the way down. Maybe he/she got fixed.
Fiorella will try to be more upbeat. It is true that her skinned knees (a la Walgreens) are looking better and that Son L is cleaning out the oven so your girl can bake salmon in it, but Fio wants more--to talk to people, to laugh together, to make the world a better place, but at the moment, she doesn't even know how to contribute to Beto O'Roarke's election fund.
"Where are all the things you planned to do?' you ask. "Sure, you can't play the piano now, but what about all those languages you wanted to dive into, the stories you wanted to write, the pictures you wanted to paint?"
Hmm, I remember....My on-line attempt at German went down the drain, but maybe I could locate someone who could teach me how to learn on line. Or maybe I could take a photo of Granddaughter and turn it into a painting--after all, art was my first-found talent.
Thanks, everyone! You've given me some hope. I'll report in tomorrow!
So far today, Fiorella almost crushed the middle finger of her left hand while she was slamming the door to the piano room because the carpal tunnel and the damages to her left hand when she took a tumble on the concrete outside her local Walgreen's mean she won't be able to play for a while--hopefully, just a week, but who knows? All in all, your girl has been overflowing with bad luck lately, but let's hope the preparations for her upcoming knee surgery will break the curse.
Fio spent a fair amount of time going through her stack of med instructions, then realized that she was scheduled to have a check-up at her heart doctor's office just a day after she had her knee surgery. Needless to say, she's trying to move her heart doctor into a later position.
It's not just the piano, but the continuing memories of the Texas massacres. Your girl needs to talk and talk and talk to somebody, but no one's volunteering. She's been given a few phone numbers, which she'll probably call, but doubts will be in the least helpful.
Have you noticed that Uvalde, Ukraine, and UT all begin with the letter "U"? Is it some kind of curse?
Fiorella lives by her calendario and it tells her she missed a day, for which she apologizes. As you can guess, despite all of her attempts to "move on," her brain is still preoccupied with the twin massacres in which the young were killed by youths not much older older than they were, and she wants to do something pro-active about it. But what? Armoring up school police, as Texas's VP wants to do, wouldn't protect anyone ALREADY INSIDE the building as the shooters in Austin and Uvalde were.
Neither of the killers were trying to rob or steal, just to kill, both of them chose educational facilities appropriate to their ages, and both of them knew they'd end up dead--so why did they do it? Obviously because they had reached a point that they didn't want to live anymore and but did want to be remembered.
There's some kind of message here that your Fio doesn't understand.
Fiorella keeps getting Uvailde and the Ukraine mixed up as she writes--but then, it's a wonder she doesn't throw University of Texas in with them too. They're all the same horror show to her. If your wondering, your girl finally got hold of a counselor she knows who will come visit her on Monday. (Thinking of barring the door and not letting her escape).
Good news in regard to your girl's knee-socket replacement: the powers that be have worked things around so the surgery can take place in town, which means that Son L can take care of transportation. (The date is the 15th, and all prayers are welcome to.)
For the first seven years of her life, Forella lived in Ohio, with a cherry tree catty-corner across the street and ooooh--the berries tasted so good, but uggggh--the way they stained clothes....and hands, and faces. Therefore, when your girl spotted a bag of them in HEB recently, you can bet your she grabbed it.....but carefully.π
Kindergarten-age Granddaughter has shone interest in the two romances that Fio wrote, but mostly to pile them on top of each other along with some of your girl's language books in between. What the heck--it's a start--and in both directions!
The things Fiorella has been going through lately have pushed her backward in some areas, but she's up in the saddle again and doing her best not only to reach her former goals, but to best themπ
Your girl tried to put on a good face yesterday, but it's all falling apart--literally. She slipped and took a a fall right outside of Walgreens and her right knee is all skinned up. At the same time, her left knee, which was already in bad shape, went into further bad shape. Then, when she got home, she got a call from her knee doctor's office telling her that she had to make preparations to go way out of town for her knee surgery. WHOA! She doesn't have that kind of transportation!
The end of May has not been good to Fio. The reminders of the UT Tower massacre hit her hard, and she's still trying to deal with them. The Texas Governor and his pals are all gun nuts so there's no help there so she's supporting Beto O'Rouark.
The rest of the time, she's trying to pull herself together. It's hard for her to play the piano with her left hand all bunged up (compliments of Walgreens pavement) but yesterday, she couldn't play at all--and it's better than being shot.
Son and his wife don't understand why Fio keeps crying and talking about the massacres, but they've had it lucky, and I'm happy for that. No one should have to go through this horror--but when one does, it sticks.
Maybe it would be easier for Fiorella if she had someone to talk to about it, but she's doesn't so she's writing to you--although, of course, your girl will never tell you everything.
The first day of June, and Fiorella is still seeing Beto O'Rourke as best candidate for Governor of Texas. Ride'm cowboy! π
By the way, reading through her second book, your girl decided it wasn't so bad after all--in fact, that it was pretty damn good--especially since she used all of her friends' and relatives' names in it. π
Actually, there was also a strong message in that story. At the time Fio wrote it, playing with masochism was an upper-class fad. but goody-girl Fio was so horrified by the romances teasing with it that she decided to write a counter story. Read the book--you'll like it!π
Speaking of books, Fiorella has a studio and is still tossing around ideas, but all sorts of things keep getting in her way--like the heart stuff, like her upcoming surgery for the knee she broke trying to get some firewood during the Texas snowstorm, like the Uvalde massacre, so similar to the UT massacre years ago, like her ever-present carpal tunnel which she wakes up to every morning....... π
Whatever, your girl will survive and prosper! It's in her genes!π