Son and his family are away for the day and Fiorella is in the house all alone. What should she do? WICKED LAUGHTER PREVAILS--😃😃😄😃😄😆😃😔😫
Fio got in two piano practices today, but Fio still can't get up the gumption to try to play that piece with four flats...although she is toying with the idea of buying Thompson's third book in his series. It's red.....
The only person in the neighborhood whom your girl has made friends with is about her age and a former teacher just like Fio, but your girl hasn't mentioned that she taught on the college level--that can scare people off.
Wondering if, now that Fiorella is a widow, she'll ever remarry--not that there are any takers in sight. Men die out quicker than women.
It's hard to be the third wheel in a household.
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