Saturday, March 12, 2022

Finding Lost Treasures

 What the heck is going on? After announcing that the American Statesman would no longer-print the Saturday edition, Fiorella is still getting it thrown on her front lawn. She prefers paper, of course, but it's weird that the powers that the powers-that-be haven't followed through with their threat.

Going through her file drawers, Fio found a little booklet from her father's high school reunion in Osceola Mills, Pennsylvania, and, of course, she cried. Then, further on, she found his Last Will and Testament and cried again😢

How old is Fiorella? Your girl has been going through old papers and discovered that she'd been commenting one way or another since at least 1985!

Fio just found one of her old poems, and it touched her heart. hHpe it will touch yours too. It's titled "Love Endures"💗

How long lasts love? Past tomorrow's dawn?

Past hurt and anger, betrayal, desertion, death?

This weakness of the heart--will it be strong

Enough to last the years, yet be weak yet?  

  Love ripens in the lusty sun of youth

And is consumed, but blossoms ever-sweet

To be the springtime baby's first-spooned fruit--

The sustenance of summer, winter's treat.

  The music of the song survives the singer

And echoes of itself divinity

 Thus Love and Beauty, Truth and Courage linger

Long past their actors in eternity--

  How long lasts love? My love is yours

As long as Love endures--yes, love endures.

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