Tuesday, November 3, 2020

It's Tuesday--I Think

 Your girl kept checking her thermometer this morning because she was feeling tired and a little sick, but after a sit-down talk with herself, she decided to clean up the kitchen and den as best she could, and--lo and behold--she's now feeling much better. Of course, her salmon-and-chocolate lunch might have had something to do with it. Or maybe it was finding those glass she'd thought were gone forever. Now if she can just find the garage door openers....

Fio was mystified by the scratches on the newly-painted door to the back yard until she realized they were claw marks made by Sonia Dog when she opened the door to come into the house. Obviously, Fiorella will have to find--or mix--a paint to cover her darling's indiscretion before the house is put on the market for some other doggie to mark up.

Younger Son is gearing up to talk to Mazda about trading in the your girl's Miata and Mercedes for a newish vehicle. There will be payments, of course--Fiorella's cars are way beyond their sell-by date.

Wondering it you've been watching television today. Fio hasn't. She had her fill of it yesterday, when everything was at its worst. Never expected to see a Soapbox Derby on an interstate highway. SHAME!

Congratulate Fiorella, who is as non-mechanical as it comes: with the help of several friends and relatives, she is finally able to use her boom box. 😋




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