You know that afternoon TV is bad when the best Fiorella can find is Dr. Phil. She can only take his now-it-all bombast late at night or in small doses. Her preference is British murder mysteries, which she can never solve, of course, but which feature interesting characters and situations. Who knew what horrors lurk in the idyllic English countrysides?
Fio has had a few setbacks lately. She's misplaced her good glasses and is not happy with how the move-out is proceeding--here she has been working like a dog to clean out every drawer, closet, nook, and cranny, when what she should have been doing is tucking everything out of sight because apparently potential buyers are polite enough to neither open drawers or closets nor inspect nooks and crannies. Remember this if you are thinking of selling.
Your girl has been working on her special birthday gift for Brother for a couple of days now, but each time she thinks her creation is finished, she adds more to it. Good luck to him seeing his coming-of-age gift before Christmas.
Why did Fiorella group so many posts on one day, you ask? Well, it was, as usual, a mistake because your girl does not understand computereeze. She'd discovered a "draft" button and thought it would allow her to post her rambles and also come back later to correct anything she needed to, but apparently drafts are not posted, so she went on and hit the post button for the past three (3) days. If anyone hears the set-up works differently, please let Fio know.
Fiorella will confess to you that she's hung back from taking down the info notes she's taped above the fireplace because she's afraid they'll get lost.
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