Friday, October 23, 2020

Email, Chocolate, Halloween, Virus, Friends

 Fiorella the Magnificent has finally tracked down the problem with her email. Remember that she said everything had worked when she was on her land line talking with one of her kids? Remember that soon after each call ended, her  emails would stop working again? At first, Fio thought she herself was the problem, but then she realized that the land line was the only consistent factor so she tested out her theory and--voila! All she has to do to use her email is keep her land-line in close proximity. Anyone else had this problem?

Your girl isn't feeling good today. Maybe it has something to do with the half-dozen Halloween chocolates she scarfed down this morning. Okay, okay, she'll admit it--she ate the whole dang dozen.

This will be the first Halloween that Fio hasn't decorated, but she's closing up the house now and all her bats, witches, and pumpkins are packed away in the garage for a new house next year.

A poem Fiorella never imagined herself writing:  I thank God each and every day/ I sniff my my doggy's gas/ Because it means that for today/ God's given me a pass

The three of us hung together--Ann Chapman, Virginia Tschatschula, and Fiorella Plum--while we were working in the credit department of Sears Roebuck way back when, and Fio being Fio, she kept in touch with the other two when, one by one, we left Sears. Ann died early, but Virginia had a good run, while Fiorella plans to stick around a while.










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