Her blonde pony tail whipping back and forth as she ran by
sociopathic narcissist
How we hired Fernando
I crossed the street and approached the man on top of a mower, a tall, strong-looking man I'd never seen before, and said "Hi!"
He dismounted. I immediately realized he didn't know much English. but I knew how to communicate, I spoke slowly, articulated carefully, used simple sentence constructions, smile, gestured. (whoosh, whoosh) Thus becagn a wonderful relationship. Chris poited him out. I liked it that he was mowing even though the owners had oved. At first, I used Translator, sitting side by side with him on the front porsch bench. I htink I amusd him--a little old lady running the show. As time has gone by, I have learaned more Spanish and his English is good. I htink it amuses him that I have a hcin saw and do a lot of outside work. He probably goes ome and tells his iwfe about me.
Kit, you are a good person and I refuse to give up on ou. Now, turn off the TV and make something of yourself. Be the person you were born to be!
Fiorella understand that in the ftuure, unmanned tanks will fight our wars--interetsing--like a bard game.Maybe we should just stick with Monoply.
The essensce of adolescense is rebellion agansit the status quo.
In God we trust--that's what's on our filthy lucre too, isn;t it?
SPanISH: unas--fingernails; otono--autumn; pulgar--thumb; cirugi'a--surgery de parpados; hoy--today, oy--hey.
When will I stop crying?
When will the pain go away?
How will ever my heart heal?
After today?
People who holler out JESUS and worship Trump.
My parents wer Republicans of the old schoo---conservative,honest, andkind--before the Russians subverted the party's values.
Paula's story about looking at the biy a second longer than necessary and he came running. She was amzed it was that easy. Also, how when she was four, she put her baby brother in the car, got in the driver's seat, and released the brake. It started rolling slowly down hill but her father saw it and ran over, opned the door, and pulled the emergency brake.
Mother had a good heart, but she was prone to judging. Names were a prime target of her discernment, and even though she had given her daughter a weird name, she felt free to critique the names other people had given their children. Homes were also game. As a devoted reader of Better Homes and Gardens, she mentally critiqued every dwelling she enetered, and, when she was home, gave the family her review. Her gavel also came down on how people dressed, fixed their hair, and did their make-up. Of course, Fiorella absorbed the perfectionist eye--and the mouth--at her mother's knee and made herself extremely unpopular in school by both voicing it and trying to live up to it. Even now, in her dotage, she struggles to scrub off the vestiges. Live and let live, Fio.
Carol has a good heart, but the joy of her life is one-upping people.
WRITING: A heroine who thinks she should lose ten pounds. A hero who likes her roundness--no sharp edges
Mother was afraid. For Dad, the world was his oyster. Fio is more like him
SHILOH:Go creaate, Jeaanell, Niw, mre than ever, peoole will need it.
WEATHER: 12-22-16 Sunset in the west--pale pinnk clouds floatin in pale blu sky,
MARISOL: put her in spike heels and she;d be taller tthan he is. Has drak nipples, Has a gym attached to her studio--stays in shape, knows all those self-defense things Carando does. Sparsee home-- living/kitchen, bathroom, workroom, gym, garage, extreme security
His finger separated her lips, moves down to gather moisture and bringit back to her mouth
He was used to soft womne, little women with doe-like eyes. Women who cooed andd fluttered their lashes, who knew how to flirt and entice, to touch. This woman narrowed her eyes and stared through to his soul and didn't like what she saw.
This woman was a dark vakyrues, withslit eyes.
She xxx. "I'm six-one."
his mouth spread in a slow smile. "So am I' and she'd fit just right. The dainty ladies wer nice to play with, but he was always having to bedn down...
She walked down the street like she owened itThe sheer arrogance of her challenged him
????Marianna Mandrake, ala Joy Easter
TRUMP opera starts with election night: "I won, I won. done/fun/gun/nun. pun, ton stun. Use some of his quotes. What do I do now?
Dream of wall
Gets upset about attendance at inaugyration. Lies--sone''BECAUSE I SAY IT"S SO
Hires and fires--a waltz in which he dances with each one for a bit--then changes into a square dance?
Has a chorus suck-ups, maybe every chanhging. Kellyann starts out as lead,, womves into background, etc. FAKE NEWS
His family chorus--moves as a unit. Melania walks in and out like a wraith. All I wanted was to walk down 5th aveneu with a hermes purse.
Travel ban, more wall, . Nasrt area abut getting rid of Obama;s name and replacing with his own. And after that he'll go down the list of presidents.
A rally with basest base
A Tweeotter song--tap dancing?
Climate change, hurricanes, wildfires, NaTA, etc
Starts to go downhil, (merge int futrue) Why are y numbers going down?
He wanders the whit ehouse halls, where he has replaced pictures of fromer preses with his own, talks to them and goldeneagles "Why don't thye love me?
He makes another appearence at a rally and is booed, things thrown at him. Secret service rescues him, but throws him in prison Or he runs to the top of the stage, hounded by zombies and falls to the bottom. They descend upon him. The crowd parts and nothing is left of him. Eat him. (His basest base has been getting more and nre zombielike as show progresses) They sing about how he tasted. Odd--no heart
OPERA: looka t all my fans/They love me/ They love me/ Millions or them,trillians, quadtrillios
Chorus, They're filling all the setas, spilling over into Delaware, They worship me, I am king of the universe, His follwers dress like zombies and evetually eat him
MARISOL: his mother has a TV show, refers to thrd husband as finaly finding the right man. Maybe she divirces im too. (fans are sympathetic. Poor Betsy or whatever)
FAMILY: it's no wonder thta Kexa turned out so pretty--grandmothers.
??? Snubbing their noses at anyone who wasn't cool and in on the game.
SPANISH: felizes pascuas
51% West Europe
29% Ireland
12% Great Britian
3% Italy, Greece
2% Iberian Peninsula
less than 1% Scabdinavian
" " European Jewish
" " Asian
Brent Cooper, John Ringwalt, Lexie Noelle7922, Barrett Sonntag
Jan Gosliga, MJ Hostmeier, Jeanette I Hawkinaon, Irma Macon
53% Europe East--Poland, Slovakia, Czech republic, Austria, Russia,Hunary, Slovenia
25% Europe West--Romainia, Serbia, Ukraine, Belarus, Lithuanua, Moldavia, Latvia, bosnia, Herzogovina, Croatia, Germany, Montenegro, Albania, Kosovo, Macedonia, Estonia. Bugaria,
7% Scandinavian
4% Iberian peninsula
3% Italy/Greece
3% Great Britain
2% Iceland
1% Finland (Northwest Russia)
2% West Asia
MARISOL: The threat--his mother threatens toto ruin Marisol, says she's knows things about her. His mother has to diesomehow. Maybe he was brought up moew btty his father;s second wife? What is Marisol's sister like now? Is her brother afraid of her?. Her mthr?
Hero is dealing with his mother's husband, maybe has a half sibling.
He tells Marosol, "Whatever my mother tells you, belive theopposite."
ESPANOL: de verta (really?)
echos--events, ahppenings
3+3=tres mas tres
FIO--even though Fio is always trying to make the worls a better placee, there are always unhinged muggers around, as our pastor found out when hetried to give a frienddly gretign to a homeless guy who was crossing the church grounds.But Karl continues to be friendy and fio continues to try to make thhe world a better placce.Kral blammes himself for getting muggled, while Fio chalks it up to the vicessitudes of life.
FIO--tall girls areeither queens of the classroom or they are shut out.SPANISH; try FLUENIA
FIO: Funny hiw these moments come back. When Fio was studying Russian, her fvaorite teacer, Gospozha Skarjinkskai, explained thta the Russian concept of Germans (Nemensski) was that they were over-emotional.
ESPANOL: Fritas (french freis), potato chips ?????
MarISOL--(gray?) eyes that seemed like thay could see through to his soul and didn't like what they saw.
TELUGU: Hemolatha Tirumurthi, Sussheela Khambumbatti,
TRUMP--surrounded himself with cretins, criminals, conmen,and crooks.creeps
FIORELLA The Fifth Fury
I get my nger from my mother, who often got angry but did nothing about what had made er anger--except me, of course. I resolved not to spout off as I grew up unless it was soemhting I was willing to follow through on. Thus Fio the fury was born--suppressed anger. OK--I haven't always been wise baout my causes and certainly haven't always been successul, but the fire still burns bright and fio will not abandon the good fight.
SPAnISH: de verta? (It's true?, really?)
PHILLIA--like Kaye Boyle, She'll teach that story.
TRUMP--Melania: fake college degree, fake immigration, fake speech, fake
FAMILY: M-in-law told me herr two best friends had taken her over and never allowed her to seak of the niscarriage again. which I htink was her subtle advice to me I shd to the same. But I didn't have any close friends back then, or at least not any who had the time to devote to my healing. Next Nunco meeting--sympathetic, but got the defective baby story. Took me five years to get PG again. Husband took extra does of XXXXXX. Lexa came on her own.
RHYMES: How an epigram is born/form. First the topic ignites the brain.
PHILLIPA Bosque Bend would cacept Vlasta being gay, but only if she were discreet.
MOTHER: how mother faced death
TRUMP: likes running for prezmore than being prez
MARISOL: is thinkng of tying her business up with his mother, who has promised her all sorts of things.
AIMEE WYATT"S FAMILY: A woman had been imprisoned and leet out twice. served four yesr of a ten year term, . Attacked A's parents as they left for church. shot at her mother.. Was on probation as long as she attened meth addiction rehab. Had been in twice, out twice. Arrested. Judge put her on parile agin.--tried to rob house,
POETRY: Hurry scurry here and there
Hurry scrurry everywhere
In and out, roundabout
Yell and shout
Running late
DOG Platelet Rich Plasmahe was the first person to greet me.
phillipa: a group of us used to go out on benders, but Derek always lagged behind. , went home after a few drinks. He and I sorta broke up then, especially after I got the scholarship.. After a few beers, I cdn't quit. They made everything else in my life go away. After I came home with y tail betwen my legs,
JEANELL: reliable, responsible, kind, thrifty, polite, consistent, persistent,
SKY 6:15 am,7-9-17,red sun rising
HUSBAND Husband's sweetness-reading me the funnies
sPANISH: ahi' (there), helado (ice cream)
CONVENTIONAL, Cook Walden, conspiracy, compassion, caladiums,
BLOG Just Wanted Attention
Helen Annwhen she had XXX
Mom--liver cancer
BLOG Fio comes from tough stock--crawling to toilet to throw up
RHYMING bruises heal, no big deal, they are not real
MEMORY; trebuchet, fecund, NEON
BOOK: development, addition
ME: organized,observant, self=disciplined
POLITICS Schaub, trump's ethics guy, resigned
ESPANOL: lenguajes(?), estacionamiento
FILIPINO: listahen (tablet), tsalamet (thanks)
South Jr--Don Blackburn
East Jr--Douglas Harris?
north Jr--me
BLOG (?)Giving these words power by not mentioning them--retarded, negro, nigger, wetback, --misplaced sensitivity on use of words designating skin color or method of (trank?)
RHYMIG Call me by whatver name/I've always been the same,
insane, inane, blame, tame shame, came, fame, game, lame, main, mane, game, claim, gain, flame, drain, frame, lain, lane, pain, plain, plane, rain, rain, stain, sane, slain, chain, wane, crane, train, aim, strain, brain
MArISOL: Tony's mother has composed false news, etc., where going after na acquistition. Tony will not let it happen to Marisol.McKenna. HIS MOTHER IS THE BADDIE. HIS FATHER IS THE NICE ONETony walks into Marisol's showroom on his mother's instructions, supposedly to pick up something sh e whas purchased. He sizes it up, has alreaady reserached it, ealizes it isripe for a takeover.. Asks to talk to Marisol about future prurchase. Is directed to her office. Sees a cute little blonde sitting at a desk and assumes she is marisol"Ms/ McKenna. etc."
The woman looks startled. Woman sitting across from her stands up. She tall, long dark hair. "I'm Marsol McKenna. Terra is my lawyer."
He stares, raken aback.
She smiles. "I'm six-one."
"So am I." he blurts out, realizes she'd fit just right, then tries to change into his slick persona.
She doesn't respond to his charm and it makes him mad. Women always respond to him. He'll show her.
Inites her to have a drink with him
"I dont drink"
Smiles, We could...
I don't ....
What DO you do?'
"I work"
he researches her, but the info is meager, although he goes back, always up to a challenge.
They gradually become frinds,he becomes caribg. She's a real perosn. She beginsto defrost and trust him, but she rebuffs hism sexually..
His mother pressures him, but he holds her off, lies.
She tels him sex ischeao, that she can have it anytime she wants it. He assumes that means she's experinced. but it's that she neve wanted it before.
He learns she's never had sex, feels sorry fr her.
He takes in a saiboat ride and she loves the silence--escape
She becomes his projec
Some sort of family tragedyin which her familly was killed. Her aunt, a haniwork person took her off to the isolation of her home to heal. Rigorously home-schooled in the basics of her great-aunts youth, She rlearned to be self-reliant and strong.
She tells him sehe's never had a friend before and kisses him. They get more intimate, but chaste. On her thirtith BD, she gets blue, decides to rty sex--once--he is humbled, afarid., mayb tries to talk her out of it. admits he's never had a female friend before. Gret sex, moves in "I'm not leaving you."
His mother pressures him, he has ca\landestine meeting with her to get her off his back, wants to break his ties with her. Marisol is blooming, ssmiling. He loves her. His mother does something and M thinks he was using her, has betrayed her., weeps, breaks off with him, packs his stuff and leave sit outside the door.
he gets mad, turnd on his mother, gets his father's help/turns her intot he feds orsomething, maybe feeds the info to the press, comes back to M, determined to get her back. Breaks hs way in (Gymn counted after all) come-to-jesus moment , says he lovesher
WORK IN THAT SHE KILLED HER FATHER WHEN HE TRIED TO RAPE HER SISTER OR MAYBE WHE HE WAS TRYING TO SHOOT EERYONE UO BECAUSE HSE DIDN;T WANT THEM REPORTING HIS FOR RAPE IR SMETHING/ He tried her once and she pulled a gun in him, kept it with her. Her father had taught them all how to shoot. He has a beard--she's glas hero isclean-shaven. Pales when he' tells her he's thinking of growing a beard (,aybe he doesn't shave for a couple of days),
Marisol had a gay friend who got killed--she's got a picture of him on her desk. .
Why haven't you had sex? It;s one of man's greatest pleasures"
"Not womens."
"With the right man, it would be." he runs a finger down her arm.
:I'll take a pass." She moves her arm.
"I can give you a whole list of recommendations"
"No thank you"
"Not now?"
"Not ever."
What woud it take for you to have sex with me? You like me."
Who wouldn't? Of course. That's your stock in trade. You're handsome, charming, and surprisingly kind, but you're also shallow and fartoo satisfied with yourself.
"Why not?I'm rich, etc."
She shook her head sdaly. "There's so much more."
RHYMING my INR's what it hsould be/celebrate along with me
I am ashappy as can be/I can see, I cn see, I can see!
PRIEST: defrocked priest atte can't live without hernds high shco becaol reunion, runs into school slut, make s aplay for her. She tells him she;s not that kind of girl anymore. If he wants a friend, she's available. If all he wants is a roll in the hay, they're over. He resuilds himself. She has porblems with her ex.
He was seduced by a woman, told he had to give her up or the priestoood. He chose her, butshe wasn't interested in John McCoy.She liked sampling forbidden fruit., seducing Father McCoy., so he is eft high and dry, throw himself into hedonsm.
SELF (will willingly accommodate me, unaware that he is also competitive with me as to pain and circumstance)
BLOG I might forget my children's brthdays, but will never forget their birthweights
BLOG: write about gettng ears pierced--went to a doctor. Mother's reaction--foreign women,--came around--tsteful pearl and gold studs I still treasure. Don't think she'd like the gold rings I wear now
WRITING My first three books deal with sociall issues--sexual abuse of chidren by authroity figures and its affect on the communnity.
WRITING I write dark romance,whichmeans I PUT MY CHARACTERS THROUGH THE WRINGER before their HEA. I write about topics that make e angry. The second was about the effects of perverted sex. Thethird is lighter--alcoholism and a deserted wife.
RHYMING: operations, casusation. duration, mediaction, visitation, irritation, explanation,aoagulation, appreciation, imagination, information, celebration, estimation, frustartion, gratification
WRITING I want to do what no one else has done in their books. I want to dare, to stand out, to say what thers were afraid to say,
BLOGMother's aim was to write correctly, Fio's is to write so everyone wants to read ut
Three Eyes Have It
Jeanell Buida Bolton
I admit I'm having a
My eyes are in full bloom
I know it will not last
But I look like a racoon
You think I'm gross
I think I'm cute
I've never had a shiner before
And this one is a beaut!
Look at the size
Of my koala eyes
They're as big as pies
BLOG Fio has always been a little psycho, but she's also a little psychic. We aren ot alone in this world. There is much we cannot see now, but we will. scared me, Resisited it for years--invasion, rays. Fio is a wee bit psychic, or maybe just plain crazy, or maybe super suggestable, but sometmes she knows things before they happen. bathing her with warmth and love. encouraging her to write on to identify them, and as she writes. the air is charged. T]ir voiceas are soft and she has to be alone and off guard. She tried to talk about it to he rmmother a couple oftimes, , but it scared her,maybe because she too had experienced what she could not explain. The dead are not gone, but transformed. May be gentic memories. Bathe myself in their rays.
FAMILYwhen did Kit become the follow-thru guy. How did he devlop patience? Where did the initative come from?
BLOG Neither sleet nor storm nor e=dead of night/interfreres with Fio's social life.
????? He's xxxind his brainwith alcohol and vitriol.
BLOG Fiorella has always leaned to the left, [artially because she has dystonia.
TRUMP Song with tap dancers
I'm the master of distracion/action, recation, attraction, satisfaction,fracion, faction, traction, inaction--Gilbert abd sullivan. Now you see me, now you don't. Turmoil is the name of the game--a gaem.
illusion, confusuon,suffusion,delusion,intrusion, choosin',
Tell people what to think, tell people what to say
And five'll geet you ten/ they'll obey
It's easier that way
TRUMPI htought Kelly would write Trump a nice speech to give when he came to Texas after Harvey, but he tramped on the graves of everyone who died by termingthe hrricane magnificent, epic, and hosoric., by ignoring the equipemnt and bomberos that Mexico sent, by complimenting himself on his crowd. It's like when the mober crashed and he said "too bad."driveway
BLOG Fiorella's hoarding ofr shinythings has paid off--Christmas tree decortaions in S meadow
BLOGWe love dogs because they are permanet children. They may grow old, but they nevr grow up. (post with pic of Sonia in my lap)
SPANISH soup--sopa
wrist watch--reloj de mano/pulsara
driveway--entrada de coche
........WEST JR
FACEBOOK Misdirected anger. Blessings and peace
SPANISH Vida es no facil
THINGS TO REMEMBER John Hays, deck off back porch, Terra's name in a book
BLOG To be memorable, a picture must say somehintg, likepoetry and music.
WEATHER 7:00, late August, 2917--bands of purple, gold, rose,ivory and blue in the west; In the east, flamingo pink clouds chasing aroud the blue sky
BLOG I was born a creative genius and I must create. I must not allow anythng to stand in my way. The Trump opera must be written. Rhe books must get out, The poetry, the paintings, the photos. It must all spew. DEcorating the house was also my canvas, but it has been nullified and I cannot spendprecious time in repair mode.
BLOG I knew no boundaries as a teacher--taught Fried Green Tomaties, that story that used "nigger." Wanted her students to think. Hopes she opened a few minds--that's what she was there for.
BLOGstatues come and sttaues go, just like presidents. Just like priebus scaramucci, spicer,yates,,Bannon...
SPaniSH Yo apprendo la idioma del espanol, poco a poco.
My mother railed against parents who put their children's teeth in braces, but Fio loged for them. Mother had perfect teeth, but Fiodidn't (pic). Up to parents in law to remedy the situattion.
.Soanish reawakend German. Fio asked sonia Wuenschen zie aus/ zu aus gehen?
hang nt your head in sorrow,hide not your grief away, let hatefulxxxx fire you
BLOG Whrn fio awakens very morning, her creative cup runnryj obver
BLOG rella's mother was of the stay-at-home variety. She had taught high school, but resigned of course, when she became pregnant. That was the rule. Mother devoted herself to her home and family, as did most mothers at the time. Men and women had different roles. Men strode into the world and made the money necessary to support a wife and children and played golf, while women stayed home and took care of the house and the children. On Sundays, the family went to church, women's major socail outlet.
Things were gradullaychanging since the xxx, when women didn't have the vote, but they accelerated in the early eighties, when the recession struck. Suddenltm men were out of jobs and the only solution was for their wives to go to work. The family xxx was turned upside down. After a couple of years, the econmy got better, but by then women had gotten accustomed to working outside the home, and whn their husbands started getting goos jobs again.The double income family was invented, and families rveled in their spending power.
BLOG io has been going through old photos and it's no wonder that Daughter turned out so pretty. She got it from both her grandmothers.r
SPANISH puesta--put
MEMORY WORDS: ambience, travertine, sub-conscious
BLOG Do not give in to pain, whether physical or emotional, because it means you are still alive.
MARISOL he was a guy who had whatver it was. Too bad she was immune.==Marisol
WEATHER?FLOWERS end of abril--orange daisies
WEATHER beautiful sunset--swathes os pink, laveneder, and pearl across the blue sky/
BLOG On thing I knew for sure when I was growing up--that I would learn how to drive as soon as I could, and I wd give people rides like the kind people who had given them to me.
BLOG Mother was governed by "What will people think?" She tolerated the jigsaw puzzle on the floor, but
BLOG Mother loved her house, which was perfect--except for Fio's room. but drew the line at the stacks of papers on Fio's desk and in its drawers--especially since Fio did all her honework lying on the bes of front room floor in fornt of the TV.
Memory? GMail password:SoniaDog7
WEATHER Clouds bunched up like giant fists ina darkenng sky.
BLOG Hot and cold news. People prefer hot news. Have to grab readers with first sentence
BLOG When it comes to deression or anger, I choose anger,IT fuels me, FIGHT THE GOOD FIGHT.
POEM: I write what I cannot bring myself to say
WEATHER The mottled clouds looked like hides of a white crocodile/\
MARISOL: says she canhave sex any time she wants to, but she prefers not to. He assumes she's a tigress, etc--. He walks into store, assumes the curly-haired cutie sitting at the deskisMarisol. She's Tera De whatver, Marisol',s lawyer. He assumes Marisol isa bodygird--maybe thinks from the back se is a man--six-one.
Someone takes a shot at Marisol (Aimee's story--what was it?)
BLOG An algorithm requires you to dollow directions, but Fio likes to skio the small stuff.
PHILLIPA hillipathinks maybe it wasjust a vacation fling for him He kept using thw ord "love," but she thoought he was equating it with sex. DEREK"S WIFE__GENEVIEVE
BLOG Mother had lived in Ohio all her life, and Texas was a foreign land. Sneered to cut it downw to size. Dad was gone all day. At some point she became very depressed so hetook thefamily out eveyr eneving for daiy kings,
ESPANOL: btween: entre, next: proximo, exit: salida, following: seguenta, pasada: pass
BOUNDAARIES: bed, TV, picking up, drugs, art
WEITING Dyslexic hero or heroine? Heorine born from rape? Has a childborn from rape, doens't know the father?
PHILLIPA--BRAM--new guys are usually given a hard time, but this time ot was different. They were out for blood/
WRITING First person heroine--First sentence:are all women battered wives, or is it just me?
BLOG Remember when dressed were for old ladies and all the smart young chicks wore jeans?
Ask cousins if Aunt Julie had cancer (hysterectomy).
MIKE: ideas on how to prevent further eroision ofcreek
Bottles to GIRL SCOUTS, 12120 Pack 35 Circle
MICHELLE 717-691-5888
Fads come and go, but tattoos are forever
Mother, the Summit COUnty spelling champion champ was a reader and a rule-follower. Read magazines onhow to decorate her home, etc.
People who do their banking on line miss out on meeting a lot of nice people. I like having the woman at the drive-thru greet me by name.
Replace light bulb in downstairs bathroom hall.
Learn how to make videos and put on FB
Contact Janece
It hurts my hurt when hateful people wave Old Glory.
MARISOL HAS A STRONG STARTLE REFLEX, which gets Tony to thinking
If the cute little nlonde was an appetizer, Marisol was the main course. Six-one. She'd fit. No bending or lifting.
"You see woman as prey, don't you?" One of his former lovers.
herioine with gray hair?
Mother knew me from the top of my too-thin hir with the jagged harline to my feet shaped like fans.
Everything I've every written--poems, stories, novels--it's all there/in the air. I am the portal to elsehere. My words cannotdie. Neither can I.
Allisstaire preferred hand-off tecahing--uses electronics (THOSE THINGS WITH WORDSON THEM), maching grading, etc)
Never clean up so much that you lose your essence
In Fio's ideal world, where all good things happen and love overflows,
In the early morning whne one is only half awake but the midis clear, the truth comes
Malevolence we have always with us.
Sometimes I have to defy my list to write a poem
I think that without adveristy, full-speed- ahead Fiorella would have been quite heartless.It's easy to assume fault to people who are not as successful as you are.
Who's going to build the wall? Workers from Mexico, like the workers at Maralago?
I am a foot soldier in the movement to make the world a better place.
What have I learned from Far North? I learned to back off.
I do not like cometitions, They divide people into winners and losers and they encourage cheating
Scarramucci, we hardly knew ye, but you were goodfor laughs while on the scene
Flynn, Spicer/Sanders, Priebus, Mueller, Sessions, SALLY YATES, Comey,Bannon
Fio grew up think taht as an adult, she would be free to do whatever she wnated to do. Wrong-o. but it was for the best. If she'd lived a life of leiseur, she probably would have tried to climb the social ladder, which is always a mistake. Let your fiends choose you.
With age comes widom and this morning I woke up angry at myself for all the bad decisions I've made in my life, but I cannot change the past.
Vitology 868-3376, 930-3909
Fusion 868-0003
Gtown Plastic 686-1650
Novita 864-2773
MARY ANN--STORY MOVES WELL. SOLID CARaccters. Well-motivated. like backgrounds. punctuation probs, needs hooks, establish speaker more quickly, staccato sentences, dialogue tags, that big dick thing isn't going to work
I am Jesus' little lamb/Ever glad at heart I am/ guide me, besdie me'Lovesme eveyr dya the same/even calls me by my name
Lots of rock ad rolllast night.We either had a bad storm or sound and fury signifying nothing.
HALL'S ROOFING, 572-864-7579
Some people talk about art. Fiorella is art.
Repair WC wall
de--origin/ dela--possession, relationship/
Mem words--Rapa Nui, moai; vertigo, Washington Irving/Rip Van Winkle, lip service, cosmopolitan
Just bbecause someone htinks the moon is mad eof grren cheese,would you give him the same airtimeas an astronaut who had actually been there/
I tried to teach the student as well as the subject
Creeps, crooks, cretins, criminals, and con-men.
Lindsay illich,Eng. Dept., Curry College, Milton Ma (617-333-2171)
Flourscent shoes she'd picked up at WalMart
Barnett's Tree Service, 330-644-1553
Fat, low-hanging clouds pregnant with rain
A vaccyme system one can pre-set that takes me to Austin, theb spread to a depot near my destination where I will bemet by a pre-programmed electic cart
Obstruction/ destruction
Trump, rump, lump, dump, frump, grump, pump, h slump, chump, bump, pump, jump,
FIVE CONJUGATIONS: ser, if, hacer, ver, tener
Trumpism is an anti-intellectual know-nothing movement in response to Obama's erudition
MARISOL--hero's first sexual encounter was when he was 14--a friend of his mother' seduced him. M is first woman he's encountered who doesn't groom her pubis
The sun sets behind them in the west
A womanwalked in and dropped her bag and ran across thelobby to leap into a man's arms. And he just held her, her feet dangling over the floor, his face buried in her hair, swaying gently back and foth for several minutes.
Some people hide their heads in the sand like ostriches. Some people come out fighting, like tigers.
Fio's one of the tigers.
Let us begin with the firing of Flynn
Then there's Priebus and Spicer and etc
between.mean, lean, steam, seem, cream, dream
Fluffy clouds lazing in a bright bluesky like sunbathers at a beach
sky covered with cottom balls that had exploded
What exactly does ivanka do in the WH but sit at a desk? If she wwas put there to keep her father under cotrol, she's failed miserably.
is Fio running too fast for you? Sometimes she evnruns too faast for herslef Butthere's so much to do and solittle time.
trump is a performer in searrch of an audience. The WH people probably took upa collection to buy those $59/head people who attrnded his rally in Phoenix. They wanted him in a good mood
I weight 20 lbsless than the scale says. I have about 10 lbsof loose skin, wear five poiunds worth of clothes, five pounds of heavy breasts, three pounds of heavy bone, and one pound of big feet.
"Tony?" "Yeah?" "I've never done this before."
This woman was let out of prison in January. She served 4 out of a 10 year sentence to go on probation as long as she attended rehab for meth addiction. She went in twice and left twice right off the bat. When her probation officer arrested her and took her back to the judge, the probation officer said she needed to be locked up. The corrupt judge simply put her on parole...which led to her attempting to rob my parents house, her aiming the gun consistently at my dad and threatening him, then shooting at my mom with an intent to kill as she drove off. I'm thankful my parents are physically okay but they have a fear of retaliation from her because she has nothing to lose. Except her "freedom." Which if you look at her rap sheet, she gets more violent and brazen. This should never happen to innocent people. When are they going to really keep her in prison? After she really kills someone? This sickens me. I'm so thankful to APD, the US Marshals, the adult Parole and Probation office, and the NM State Police for stepping up against these criminals and violent crime wave that has struck Albuquerque. I have so many friends and family there and this makes me angry. My mom and dad are so grateful for your support! You guys helped by spreading the word and taking a stand!
understand--entiendar, comprendar
shall--deber (must?0
saber--know, know how to
querer--want, would like to
writer/fighter/ inciter/brighter,lighter
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