Thursday, August 27, 2020

Updating Fiorella and Her Move

Hoping that some day Fio will wake up and think, "What would I like to do today," rather than "What do I have to do today."
Take Fiorella's advice and never try to move during a pandemic. You have to do almost everything yourself because of the distancing thing and you can't get together with friends and relatives to sell or give away stuff you don't need anymore, but don't want to trash.
Hey, your girl has finally found her mother's treasured set of stemmed table glasses, which had disappeared after her last move twenty years ago.
Fiorella is going to have a hard time adjusting to a new house, no matter how nice it is, but Sonia Dog will have an even harder time--she's lived in this house since she was eight weeks old. More important, she's lived on five-plus acres that she could explore to her heart's content.
     When Sonia and Mommy move, Doggie also have to co-exist with cats, which probably won't bother her unless they run, at which point they'll become fair game.
While Trump struts the stage at will
THE CHILDREN are locked in cages still

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