Tuesday, July 14, 2020

Counting Down to Fiorella's Birthday

Fio called the plumber yesterday morning and he's supposed to report in today. We'll see what happens...or doesn't. Meanwhile, Fiorella has decided to wait out the week for Fernando, and if he doesn't show, she'll try to scare up someone else to finish off the walkway.
This may seem weird to you, but Fio dresses up cute every day, even though Sonia Dog is usually the only one around. Yep, your girl goes for weeks without talking to, or even seeing, a real live human being. She doesn't have many phone calls either, although she does keep up a good number of email relationships.
Right now, Fiorella is revving herself up to try to print a letter again--that one to the County Commissioners. She thought she had the technique down pat, but apparently she didn't because when she tried to print the page the other day, nothing happened. No two ways about it--technology has it in for your girl.
Be proud of Fiorella! She suddenly realized that the reason cops get jumpy and end up killing people before they even know whtat's going on is because they themselves are so often targets. The simple and obvious solution is GUN CONTROL. If the populace has less guns, the police will need less arms and armory and, therefore, less innocent people will get killed. Hello, Australia, Briton, and Canada!
Fio finally got hold of a traveling vet, but apparently regular veterinarians can't enter homes during the virus. When your girl explained her circumstances, the vet suggested contacting a veterinarian who specializes in large animals.  Again, pray for Sonia, and pray for Fiorella.

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