Wednesday, July 8, 2020

Cleaning Out the Memories

Fiorella was greeted with a joyful bob-white, bob-white, bob-white this morning when she went outside to pick up the newspaper. Hoping that means she'll have a joyful day😁
When Fio decided to give up Hershey Nuggets yesterday afternoon, she didn't know the only way she could get up her energy this morning was by whipping up a package of chocolate pudding Daughter had thoughtfully added to her food order last week. CHOCOLATE RULES!
Fiorella, enraged by the deer using her front yard as a no-pay cafeteria, is considering chicken wire fencing. Apparently, she can get it delivered by Home Depot, but who can she hire to install it for her? Her wonderful yard man has a Monday-Friday job now, and his Saturdays are dedicated to Fio's extensive backyard project.
Your girl is still depressed. She needs someone to talk to, someone to bounce ideas off of. Solitary confinement is driving her crazy. How about you?
The chocolate must has taken hold about 2:30, because that's when Fiorella went out to pick up the mail, then realized she couldn't go up to the road because it was starting to rain, then noticed there were three big, heavy, square boxes sitting on her porch bench, unmarked except for a Home Depot sticker. Aha! This must be the granito for the backyard pathway.
Fio went inside again, looked around, and decided to pull all her wrapping material out from under the double lower cupboard beneath the breakfast island. Her heart sang at the sight of the shining ribbons, the multi-colored twisties, and the beautiful wrappings that she'd saved from year to year. Now it is time to take her pretties away to a new house, where Granddaughter can also enjoy them.

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