Sunday, January 26, 2020

Library Rap

As you know, Fio is going through everything she's written since the beginning of time--the stuff her mother didn't throw out, that is--so buckle your seat belts. You're in for a ride, and it starts at the library of the last college she taught at. After taking roll of her students, whom she had told to meet her in the library, she launched into Rap:

     Now that you
     Have found a seat
     I want to introduce,
     I want you to meet,
     Ms. Fulton, Ms. Fox,  
     And Mr. Hive-lee
     Who are all your guides
     To the libraree--

      If you wanna learn,
      If you wanna know---
      The libraree
      Is the place to go.
      If you wanna read,
      If you wanna just sit,
     The library's
     The place that's it.

     If you want some help
     Or just a nice space,
    The library
     Is your kinda place.
     I'll end with this--
     I guarantee
    You'll benefit always
     From the libraree!
    (The librarians, warned beforehand, stepped forward
with smiles on their faces when their names were called.)

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