Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Burglary Heartbreak

Did Fiorella ever tell you about the time her parents were burgled? It happened when Brother and Fio had left home, which meant Mom and Dad didn't have a back-up crew.
    Mother, who had horrible leg cramps, had started sleeping on the couch in the front room so Dad could get some rest without her kicking him. The arrangement worked just fine until the night she was awakened by somebody busting into the house Front door, raised window--Fio doesn't remember the details, but she does know that Mom, in her nightgown, ran down the street to the house of some reliable (i.e., young) neighbors for help. In the meantime, the burglar made it to the master bedroom and rifled through Dad's chest of drawers as he battled Dad, who kept yelling, "Where is Eileen? What did you do with Eileen?"
     The burglar knocked him to the floor and made off with a lodge ring that his Uncle Jake had bequeathed to him. The ring meant a lot to Dad, not because of the lodge affiliation--he had none--but because it was willed to him by his beloved uncle.
     The neighbors called the police, then escorted Mother home.
     Fio assumes that, the next morning, in the bright light of day, her parents reevaluated their security arrangements. Maybe screens latched with hooks weren't the best protection.
     About the ring: Fio wanted her father to follow the cops' advice and call the local pawn brokers to see if any of them had it, but Dad said said it would be useless. Fio now thinks he meant meaningless, that Uncle Jake's ring would never be the same again.

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