Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Fun times in the Public Library

Fiorella is on top of the world--she's almost over her cold, she rescued a family business transaction from messing up, and HER ROMANCE-WRITING CLASS WAS A BIG SUCCESS!

Yes, Fiorella drove off to the Georgetown library yesterday in the dead of night (6:40 p.m.) to teach a class for the San Gabriel Writers' League.  The librarian had told her that only one person was enrolled, and Fio was half-hoping whoever she was wouldn't show so the class could be cancelled and Fio could stay home on Tuesday evenings.  But Pam showed up and--wonder of wonders--Paul joined her.

Fio didn't have much of a lesson plan because she didn't know what the students would need so she pretty much winged it from a few notes she had jotted down before leaving home.  She also spent a lot of time getting acquainted with Pam and Paul.  And she gave them homework.

She can hardly wait till next Tuesday.  You can take the teacher out of the classroom but you can't take the classroom out of the teacher.

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