Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Throw That Damn Paper!

Fiorella's been stuttering lately, accidentally scheduling two blogs on the same day, then having to correct herself--one per day is her limit--by repeating one of her commentaries the next day. Sorry about that, but maybe she's all discombobulated by the newspaper delivery problem.

Wherever she's lived, even out here in the boondocks, the Austin American-Statesman has been delivered to her door (or into a nearby bush). Starting December 26, 2011, it hasn't gotten any further than six feet down the driveway, which is approximately eighty yards from Fio's front door, a distance which Fio, currently hobbling around on a cane, is not in any condition to undertake.

Husband called the Statesman last Thursday and was assured the problem would be rectified immediately. Not knowing Husband had called, Fio also called, and was assured the problem would be handled within two days and the newspaper would be at her front door again. When these promises were not met, Fio started firing off letters to the editor.

Her porch is still bare.

Fiorella wants to support the newspaper because she believes in the value of print news, but the Statesman is making it hard for her to do so. It's a new year and Fiorella is sorting through her life, tossing out things she no longer needs. Maybe the Austin American-Statesman is one of them.

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