Thursday, August 26, 2021

Movin' On

 Up and down, up and down. Fiorella has to pull together her tax stuff from last year, which is not the easiest thing for her to do with the 2021 she had. Son L is lending a hand, but Fio's pretty sure she'll end up in the hoosegow or wherever it is that electronically ignorant old ladies hang out.

OMG! Did your girl use the word old? Shame on her! Not that she's planning to swim naked in the neighborhood pool or anything like that, but she wouldn't mind a whistle or two.

Right now, Fio is trying to design a special setting to show off not only Mother-in-law's sister Ethelyn's) collection of sea shells, but also also your girl's collection of rocks. Son is not too enthusiastic about the two-step arrangement Fiorella is designing, so wish your girl well.

It was weird the way that not a single one of the telephone numbers that Son L retrieved from the tax forms rang true. Fio tried them all out, but they were inoperative. Maybe that means your girl doesn't have to pay this year 😁

Don't hold your breath, but Son L figured out how to get into the Lolly series that Son K had set up for Fiorella a while back. Thanks to both guys.



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