Tuesday, August 10, 2021

From Medicine to Doggie

Wow! Your girl L-O-V-E-S the newest advance in medicine. She had a hard time getting accustomed to the medical practices in her new town, but then she was introduced to a wonderful person called a Nurse Practicioner who arranges it so that must of Fio's treatments can take place without leaving her home.

Fio is still plowing ahead with the studio, but there are what looks like a thousand family photos to take care of. By the way, your girl's Nurse Practioner was so concerned by the contents of Fio's basket of pills that she talked them over with her boss and he added two more pills.

Walgreen's has redeemed itself. After keeping Fio and Son waiting for about half an hour last time around, this time, the pills were ready and waiting. 

Your girl is being nudged about preparing her income tax forms. Frankly, she's too bunged up mentally to do them herself so she's handing the basics over to Son L and counting on her accountant for the rest. (Wonder if Fiorella can get some kind of compensation for what she went through during the snow storm.)

If you're wondering what Sonia Dog has been doing lately, she spends a lot of time watching TV, begging for treats, and sleeping in Mommy's bedroom. 





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