Friday, January 3, 2025


 Hey there, guess what! Your favorite (Fiorella hopes) correspondent is swinging to a new mood, and she'll be pulling some of her old favorites out for you to enjoy or no, like as follows:



            The Lightbringer

             Because they do not want

             To bother with the shades,

              My children squint and grope about 

              In the darkened house every morning,

              So every dawn

               I go to the windows

               And raise the shades myself

               To let the sun shine on their lives 



                I'm flying on winds of glory

                 I'm red-nosed and wobbly and gay

                 What if I die tomorrow?

                 At least I have lived for today!


                Do slimming snails dream of snail heaven?

                Do cows believe in meadows in the sky?

                Do designing apes imagine life hereafter?

                Do elephants aware they too will die?

               Do animals know of death than pain?

               Do animals know more of death than pain?

               Or was it prime in our ignoble flight

               From ancient Eden's cursed and blessed tree,

              That we alone know death and thus know life?



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