Wednesday, June 28, 2023

Pondering, Pondering, Pondering

 Hey, hey--Fiorella got some action today! Not only did she finish off her portrait of the (India) Indian girl, but also made preparations to plunge into a family painting that she'd outlined several years ago, but never finished. 

Not having transportation is irritating, to say the least. Fio, who is accustomed to taking care of herself, now has to depend on others to go anywhere. No more hopping into a car and driving into town for food or to meet up with friends--or even go to church!

Fiorella is hoping that Son L will have the time--and the patience--to teach her how to pull snapshots out of the new-fangled cameras so she can turn them into paintings. Yep, early in the game, your girl realized  it was easier to take a quick shot and work from that than require someone to sit stock-still for hours on end.

Of course, it may be that no one at all is interested in traditional paintings any more, when photographs are so easy...and cheaper. 

Deutsch. Das Auto (the auto/car). Note that Auto always takes a capital letter, but Das will use a capital letter if, as in English, it is the first word in a sentence.



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