Tuesday, July 26, 2022

This and That, Etc.

 Your Fiorella is so bored that she could scream. The TV news keeps repeating itself, she's done all she can to make her bedroom look cute, she'll explode if she eats any more, and there is nothing NOTHING for her to do but whine. What else does one do in hot, hot weather when an outside walk is asking for a heatstroke and even her fingernails are splitting?  GRRRRRRR!

Well, at least the newspaper came today. Now, if only her favorite comic strip, Louann, would be more about her than her covey of side characters--although Tiffany and Bernice are okay.  

Regarding Fio's problem with carpal tunnel, she's got her left elbow propped up on a fat pillow today to see if it makes a difference.....

WHOOPEE--it's time for lunch and your girl is having one of her favorites which she recently rediscovered--a turkey sandwich. (To tell the truth, she thought it was only available at thanksgiving.)

Fiorella has decided to start playing the piano again. As you'll remember, the last time, she got stalled by the minor scale, which she had ripped right through as a child.. Maybe she'll have better luck this time around. Any pianists in her neighborhood?




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