Tuesday, March 16, 2021

Buckling Down

 Fiorella is late on posting because she's been out of pocket most of the day. It was walk-through morning for the new house, then a hand-numbing hour or so signing papers long-hand, then, when she finally reached her shelter home, it was backing son L up on the phone while he was trying to find her misplaced computer.

The computer was located, thank goodness, but your girl's identity codes will never be the same again.  Yes, bit by bit, Fio is being dragged into the technological world 👿

One thing Fio has to share--the man whose house she is buying HAS READ ONE OF HER BOOKS! Hmm...she didn't know guys liked romances, but maybe he was trying to pick up a bedtime trick or two😁

This whole move is burdensome and scary--everything is turning upside down and inside-out. It's also very expensive, although Fio did get a good price for her former home. Let's hope we all can make it not only lovely, but loving 💗

See you tomorrow!




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