Wednesday, March 31, 2021


 Fiorella has not only found her calendario again, but also located her Austin neurologist and ophthalmologist. Hopefully, they'll both remember her again. 

Despite the appropriate notifications by Son L, the post office is still delivering mail to your girl's Gtown address. Wouldn't you know that would happen with DeJoy in charge!

Just when Dr. Martin was coming to an important climax,  Roku cut it off Fiorella's access. The same thing happened with Midsomer Mysteries and Miss Fisher. Obviously, it's a plot against Fio's dwindling sanity.

Congratulate Fiorella--she washed her hair for the first time since being rescued and taken to shelter, lo, these many weeks (months?) ago. Yes, your girl is still so rattled that she doesn't know what happened when so one of her self-assigned chores for the day is to sit down with her calendar and figure everything out. (Her other one is to contact the vet about which dog food is best for Sonia Dog.)

It runs in the family! Fio's granddaughter's drawings of faces have suddenly evolved from multiple questionable features to two eyes, a nose, and a mouth--but what can one expect when her father his mother are artists


Tuesday, March 30, 2021

Telling All

 When Fio was seven and her family moved to Texas, her assigned bedroom was at the front of the house, with a bathroom between her and Brother, whose bedroom was up against her parents' bedroom. Unfortunately, this arrangement meant that the room's transparent curtains floated on the breezes of the summer winds like ghosts, so Fiorella, who had a far too vivid an imagination even back then, sneaked into Brother's bed when the billows got to be too much for her and bribed him to silence by telling him stories she made up on the spot.

Mom caught Fiorella one morning when she hadn't retreated to her own bed in time and, being a wise woman, she asked "why" rather then chastising. When Fio explained about the curtains, Mom wisely added a night light to the bookcase between the bedrooms.

It satisfied Fio enough that she stayed in her own bed from then on, but she was still still afraid of being alone at night and would keep her eyes open as long as she could. Later, she clutched a bible to her bosom every night. Still later, a husband filled the bill.

Fiorella is pretty sure she's told you this story before, but somehow, it still dogs her. The psychologists among you can take it from there.

Monday, March 29, 2021

Keeping Up with the World of Fiorella Plum

Watching British TV, Fio was again reminded that window screens are not used in England--or at least, they weren't used in the hotels that the family stayed at when the tribe visited, lo, these many years ago. She was also reminded of the friendliness of the people we met by chance, like on that tour of an ancient castle, which was when Fiorella realized she didn't care a fig about castles, but loved talking to people and learning about their lives.

Fio is trying out new places to lay her computer down on when it's not in her lap. Sliding it under the bed was her first choice, but then she had to lie on the floor and to drag it out from under the bedsprings. Her second choice was to place it on top of the bed covers, but then it slipped off the fuzzy blue bed throw onto the floor. Right now, she's experimenting with placing it on a block of wood beside her bed. She'll let you know the result. 

Take it from Fio--everyone's mother drives them crazy, and those very same mothers love them to the ends of the earth. Hey, just wait till you are a parent!

Son came back from Walgreen's with sugar-laden goodies for your girl, and she gobbled down the Peeps like a five-year-old. Yes, Fio has him well-trained.

Here's the report on what's going on in your girl's world: she has all her pants and tops on hangers and all her underwear in drawers--which comes out as a a pun because drawers are also what we call underpants.

Sunday, March 28, 2021

Are Everyone's Moves Like This?

 Fiorella woke up early this morning--or at least earlier than any other humans in the house--because Doggie had indicated she needed go outside. But when your girl reached to unlock the back door, she noticed a note saying the alarm was active. What alarm and why? We live in an upscale gated community and have a mighty mastiff that doesn't bite, but has a bark that would summon cops from miles around.

Daughter-in-law, who was dozing on Fiorella's black couch in the front room to the lullaby of a one of Granddaughter's kiddie shows, woke up long enough to take care of  the alarm, then settled back into dreamland again. In the meantime, Fio noticed that a second cat had been introduced into the family, Luckily, Sonia couldn't care less--although the cat seemed disappointed that Fiorella's breakfast milk went to Doggie instead of her (him?)

Speaking of breakfast, Fio discovered that although everything else in the kitchen area is lit by frighteningly bright lights in the early morning, the pantry, which shelters your girl's precious Shredded Wheat, is not. GRRRRR!

Son drove up to the house about lunchtime, parked in the driveway, and started unloading storage items from a U-Haul. Most of the things were from his and his wife's former home, but he'd also picked up some of Fiorella's pretties. She was especially glad to see the charming foot-high shepherd-boy clock that her mother-in-law had picked up at an antique shop way back when. Fio in planning to put the clock on a high-up shelf where it can be safe and everyone can enjoy its beauty for years to come.

The new house is filling up fast, but there are still more deliveries to come. Wonder if this hoity-toity community allows garage sales.

Saturday, March 27, 2021

Relatively Pleasant Day....So Far

 Son L is now on his way to supervise the loading with Fio's household stuff so your girl and her daughter-in-law, who has been invited to a neighborhood ladies-evening-out, are batching it. Hmm...wonder what stories she'll bring back to home.... and if any of them would make a good book plot😁

Fiorella slept fairly well last night so maybe she'll get back on a regular schedule sooner than she thought. On the other hand, the snowstorm, the sheltering, and the move have taken their toll. And now she's being hit by past-due notices because of her change-of-address. GRRRRR.......

It amuses Fio that time after time, with her watching, Sonia Dog has carefully buried a bone under one of your girl's stacks of clothes so that neither Fio nor another dog--of which there are none in the household--can steal it from her. Talk about paranoid! 😄

Son has been taking Mom with him on his daily walk to the neighborhood mailbox, which is good exercise, but she also wonders if he's training her to take over the job. Hmm....guess Doggie isn't the only paranoid in the family. 😉

 Fiorella is going to write down her new address in big letters and post the page on the wall of her bedroom so she can become accustomed to it. She'll do the same for her phone number, once she gets one. 👍






Friday, March 26, 2021

A Sigh of Relief

 Forget about the idea that Italians are the most sex-oriented people around. According to their TV comedies and murder mysteries, it's the British. Check out Doc Martin and Midsomer Mysteries when you have an hour or two and you'll see what Fio means. And if you want to get the low-down on the Australian version, check out Miss Fisher's Murder Mysteries.

Fio is sitting in her bedroom trying to write while a pack of squealing pre-sschool-age girls are running up and down the hall and enjoying themselves. It's been a long time since Fiorella had to deal with that kind of commotion. 💗

Three cheers for Fio! With limited closet space, she's worked out some very ingenious ways to store her clothes, like tucking her jeans and slacks flat under the bed. 

 Your girl indulged herself with a steak for lunch and it was g-o-o-d. But because her and Son's tableware have not yet arrived, she had to use plastic utensils--and broke the fork. Anyone else have similar stories?

Has the hysteria finally gone out of Fiorella's voice? That's because she's relatively settled in and is planning for the future because she now knows she has a future. The furniture is coming this weekend and the rest of the storage--which includes her piano, paintings, and writing--will follow. Also, she'll be taking her second inoculation sooner rather than later. 💗


Thursday, March 25, 2021


 HOORAY! If the washer and drier have at last arrived, can Fio's furniture be far behind? And if the furniture is about to arrive, can her artwork, library, and knickknacks be far behind?And And if all of those can arrive, will Fiorella be able to relax into "normal" living again?

Your girl is being hounded by Verizon to pay her bill, but she hasn't seen an open pathway to do so because, as she tried to explain to the recorded message, she's an orphan of the storm and has not yet received the aforesaid  bill (yes, Fiorella pays by check) because of the endemic, the snowstorm, and having been dramatically moved from place to place. Got all that?

Fio is a bit worried about what condition her inherited furniture will be in when it arrives. Everything in the load is somewhat fragile by age, and while the family bedstead survived the first trip, Mom's treasured dining room table will need restoration. 

To add to Fiorella's worries, Doc Martin, her current British serial, has taken a turn for the worse--Louisa called off the wedding at the last moment, which will probably make Doc even more gruff than before. (Having peeked ahead, your girl knows that they will get together again, but oh--the agony!)

Son L is commanding the washer and dryer so we all have our chance in an orderly fashion, but Fio will be the heaviest user for a while because she hasn't had clean clothes in a long while. Also because she has ALL her clothes with her because she moved out hook, line, and sinker with no time to evaluate her wardrobe.



Wednesday, March 24, 2021

From a Real Life Horror Show to a BritishTelevision Show

 Day by day, Fiorella is recovering from the continuing horror show her life has been for the past couple of years. She's bought a forever home for herself and her family--it's not as wonderful as her forest abode, but as time goes on, will be more and more beloved. Your girl is already planning future alterations and additions, but right now, she is concentrating on settling in--the new washer and dryer should arrive soon, and her furniture and other belongings will arrive next week and the week after.

Son L and daughter-in-law's brother have been doing the U-Hauling, which has saved a fair amount of money. Fio had no idea that trucker blood was in the family! 😁

Sonia Dog has settled in too, probably even quicker than Fio. Not only has she checked out every nook and cranny in the house, but she tags along with the herd of little girls in the neighborhood that have taken Granddaughter into their tribe.

That TV that Son installed in Fiorella's bedroom recently has filled many a dull hour for her. Her current continuing show is Doc Martin, which Brother and his wife recommended to her years ago but Fio rejected. She didn't like the main character back then, but he's grown on her. now. It's very interesting the way the plot and the multiple sub-plots intertwine. 

One thing is strange, though. She thinks she and Husband might have seen at least a couple of the Doc Martin shows way back when because one of the scenes rang a distinct bell with her. Hmm...she'll have to check out the date of the series.



Tuesday, March 23, 2021

Still Scrambling

 Just five more days and your girl's belongings will arrive, although the items in storage will take longer. In the meantime, Fiorella is going bat-sh*t crazy. She and her family have moved into the new house now, but her only entertainments are her computer and the TV that Son L installed in her bedroom. (Because there's nothing else to do, Fio lies on her bed for hours and watches British serials like Doc Martin and Midsomer Murders.)

Your girl admits she's concerned about the furniture still in storage because her mother's lovely dining room table, which arrived early, was all bunged up. Her bed frame and a side table still look good, though.

In regard to the house itself, Fio has claimed two rooms, a smallish one she will use as her boudoir, and the larger one next door to it, which will be her workroom.  Needless to say, all of her writing, art, music, and language studies are still in storage. GRRRRRR!

As to the house itself, it's new-built job and different than anything your girl has ever lived in--which means there might be a problem working in her more traditional-minded furnishings. She's already having trouble figuring out the new-fangled contraptions that Son and Daughter-in-law have introduced into the household.

 About Sonya Dog, she's gradually edging her way into the neighborhood, although she still barks up a storm whenever the front door bell rings. Also, she has let the children know NOT to pull her tail.

Monday, March 22, 2021


Yes, your girl is back in Austin again, but she doesn't have have her land legs yet. In other words, a good half of her belongings are still en route from storage, which means none of her furniture, her books, or her art supplies are available. On the other hand, she's been able to rig up a cozy little room as her boudoir and snag a bigger room beside it to use as her workplace. Her paintings are on their way too, some for her workroom, some to be spread around the house, according to your girl's whim and whatever son L and his wife can put up with. 

So far, the neighbors have been very nice. In fact, Granddaughter B has landed into a pot of gold when it comes to playmates in her general age range--all female--who move like a swarm of bees from house to house, trying out each other's toys. Of course, B girl, having been the apple of her Cedar Creek grandparents eye, has plenty to of brightly-colored plastic to add to the horde. 

Sonia dog is back in Mommy's loving arms again, but she's somewhat bewildered by her surroundings--highway drone in the distance, a constant choir of high-pitched children's voices, no woods to ramble through, new rules of behavior to learn.

Fio is adjusting to new rules of behavior too. Living in a neighborhood is a lot more demanding than living on acreage.

Your girl admitted to a neighbor that she's an artist and her realtor had already told everyone she writes books, but nobody yet knows that she also writes a daily blog in which they may be referred to every now and then. (Shhhhh--mum's the word, but fodder is fodder.)

Friday, March 19, 2021

No More Insomnia

Fiorella could not sleep for two nights in a row and became convinced her end was near, that she would be joining her friend Sharon Kite in eternity sooner rather than later, but instead, your girl slept soundly last night, and, when she awoke, sensed the presence of Sharon and the love of God flooding over her--along with the knowledge that are yet more tasks undone that she should deal with.


 I thought my end had come,

That my race had finished its run,

But God and Sharon Kite

Saved my life last night--

So I will still have time

To finish off my rhyme

For which I am quite grateful

Because I have a platefuI

Of other things to say 

While I follow on my way


Thursday, March 18, 2021

Moving Along Quickly Now

 Aaaaack--it's been a busy day and Fio almost forgot about you because she's been baby-sitting her granddaughter while son L drove out to take care of last-minute new-house needs and requirements. Not having been able to sleep the night before, your girl had to take a couple of long breaks during the day,  but she was still able to tidy up the room that her shelterers had provided for her a month ago and supervise G while she was watching TV cartoons about pig characters celebrating an addition to their family. During the show, G announced that she wanted a brother and a sister. Fio, of course, would be thrilled if such came to pass, but that's not in her realm of control.

 Fiorella is neither athletic, nor a mathematician, nor a dancer, but she was blessed with four other talents---art, writing, music, and languages. Analyzing further, one realizes that art and writing are visual while music and languages are hearing related. In other words, your girl stops, looks, and listens. 

Fio was also born with an overwhelming curiosity coupled with the stubborness of a mule. CUIDADO!

If you're wondering, Fiorella did get the two two rooms she wanted in the new house. One will be her bedroom and the other will be her workroom, although their functions will doubtlessly intermingle.

We will be picking Sonia Dog up from the kennel this Saturday, and your girl is interested in what kind of good manners she has learned during her stay. Hoping the new neighbors won't give us a hard time.







Wednesday, March 17, 2021

Onward, Fiorella, Onward!

 The clouds are lifting as the days grow longer and the date Fiorella will move into her new house draws nearer. It will be a mess at first, of course, but your girl thinks we'll be settled in by June at the latest. After that, of course, will come renovations.

Fio will be making what will probably be her final visit to Georgetown next week so she can switch her bank and pharmacy, claim two card of lights she ordered way back when, and pick up Sonia Dog. Hmm...Sonia Dog. We'd better check out the new house's backyard fence too.

Fiorella will have two rooms in the new house--one for clothes, sleeping, and storage, and one for her work and visiting with friends. ZOWIE!

Strange--in all her adult life, Fio's mother lived in just two houses, but in about a week, your girl will be toting up her sixth.

 Son has just supplied Fiorella with a replacement ring of keys and, to top it off, he found her a Midsomer Murder episode!





Tuesday, March 16, 2021

Buckling Down

 Fiorella is late on posting because she's been out of pocket most of the day. It was walk-through morning for the new house, then a hand-numbing hour or so signing papers long-hand, then, when she finally reached her shelter home, it was backing son L up on the phone while he was trying to find her misplaced computer.

The computer was located, thank goodness, but your girl's identity codes will never be the same again.  Yes, bit by bit, Fio is being dragged into the technological world 👿

One thing Fio has to share--the man whose house she is buying HAS READ ONE OF HER BOOKS! Hmm...she didn't know guys liked romances, but maybe he was trying to pick up a bedtime trick or two😁

This whole move is burdensome and scary--everything is turning upside down and inside-out. It's also very expensive, although Fio did get a good price for her former home. Let's hope we all can make it not only lovely, but loving 💗

See you tomorrow!




Monday, March 15, 2021

Over the Hump!

Wahoo, get along little dogie! We're going to start moving in the new house on the Wednesday, thanks to son L's hard work. The place will be a mess for a week or two--or more--but at least, we'll be settled--and sooner rather than later, we'll introduce Sonia Dog to her new home and back yard.

None of his would not have been possible without daughter-in-law's family providing transport and sheltering to your girl when the snowstorm imprisoned her inside her old home, the food ran out, and the heat failed. Fiorella will be eternally grateful. 

Hmm... Fio's mother would be appalled if she could see her daughter's current hairdo because, like every other woman, she's let it grow long. What else do you do when there's a pandemic going on? And besides, the style looks pretty dang good on her. Maybe she'll even pick up a new beau.

Okay, Fiorella admits she added that last line just to tease her daughter.

Fio wants to add a double thanks to son L's handing of her services and contacts, especially her Blogger account, so there was a smooth transition from one server to another.





Sunday, March 14, 2021

Moving On Once Again

 Good morning! Fiorella doesn't know what time it is except that it isn't the time it was at this time yesterday, which is a day she'd like to forget anyway. Got all that?

Your girl thought she'd be checking out the new abode this morning, but it turns out that isn't for a couple more days yet so she is going to spend the rest of the day going through her papers and getting everything in order so that when the unveiling comes, she'll be able to withstand yet another mess up. Com'on now, if you've ever moved, you know it always happens.

One thing Fio is looking forward to in the move is a television of her own that doesn't require a technological genius at the helm--if there is such a thing.

Another thing she is looking forward to is daily interaction with her granddaughter. Strangely, the sheltering has has been beneficial in that regard by giving Fiorella the time to develop an actual relationship with B, which had been impossible when they were only meeting up a couple of times a year.

Fio has had a bad time lately--even the television has turned against her. After reporting on a series of true-life bank hold-ups, it was about to reveal the villains when all of a sudden, the screen blacked out and said "loading." Your girl waited for about ten minutes, then fifteen, but the show didn't continue. GRRRR!

Saturday, March 13, 2021

Short Shrift

 Fio was offline from 6:00 in the morning till 11:00 at night because she and son L (and wife) were up in Gtown cleaning out your girl's old house. It was hard in more ways than one, but now it's over and Fiorella is hitting the hay. More new tomorrow, okay?

Friday, March 12, 2021

Forward, Forward, Forward!

 Planning, planning, planning. Fiorella and her friends and relatives are going over to the old house early tomorrow morning and clearing out the garage and heavy furniture as much as they can. It's count-down time--we're planning to be in the house next week. This will be the sixth house your girl has lived in. She was born in Akron and grew up in Waco. Then, after her marriage, she lived in four different homes in Austin before moving to Georgetown--and now is going back to Austin. See ya!

In the meantime, Fio is wrestling around with tuning the TV in her assigned guest room. It's so embarrassing to have to call in Daughter-in-law to help your girl find her favorites--you know which they are--Midsomer Murders and Miss Fischer Mysteries. It isn't that Fiorella likes blood and guts so much as that the British shows take her out of her own worries for a while.

Well, that did it. Fio just ate the last of the chocolate bars she had hidden under a tablet in the drawer of her bedside table. She'd like to say she's given sweets up for good, but knows that as soon as possible, she'll be stopping in at a store to replenish her supply. (The wonder is that despite Fio's sweethtooth, her teeth themselves are almost perfect.)

Fio is holding back on her excitement, but getting this new house will put her a couple of steps closer to finishing off her Lolly book. Remember Lolly, Jase's daughter? The heroine who never made it into print? Publishing has changed a lot since your girl made her first sales though, but she has writing friends who will catch her up.

QUESTION: But Fio, why would other writers help you? Aren't you all in competition with each other?

ANSWER: Romance writers--maybe all writers--are quite supportive of each other, maybe because we are all a little crazy. Why else would we be driven to make up outrageous stories?







Thursday, March 11, 2021

Good News, at Last!

 BEFORE! Thanks to Daughter, Fiorella has an appointment for not only her first dose of a vaccine today but the second dose two weeks later. Pray for your girl that nothing will be cancelled.

By the way, Fio's fingernails have grown out a bit--hope that's an omen the that the inoculation will go well.


AFTER! Fio has had her shot, survived, and prospered! The young man shooting her up was quick and charming, even laughing at her nervous jokes, and Daughter stood anxiously by the whole time. Of course, there has to be a rerun next week, same time, same station, but the inoculation is already scheduled. 

By the way, Daughter had Fio make a few poses before the shot and your girl had such a good time of it that the person lined up behind her moved forward a little and complimented her on her exuberance. Yep, your girl's still got it!

Fiorell talks flippantly about the inoculation, but actually, she was afraid she's be left out in the cold, that there wdn't be any of the magic vaccine left for her. Hoping that everyone else also has such a happy ending.



Wednesday, March 10, 2021

Health, Medical, Death

 Fiorella is very concerned about Sonia because the kennel says she isn't eating well. Yours Truly thinks it's not just that doggie is nine years old, but also because she misses her life-long surroundings, which include Fio. Unfortunately, there's no way your girl's darling could have accompanied her into shelter with a family that has two dogs and two cats of its own. 

Son L has developed a bad knee, probably because of all the lifting he has done while cleaning out Fio's house. Ironically, your girl also has a bad knee--the same one as Son, but, as you will remember, her's is the result of trying to break a tree limb across it. 

Four-year-old Granddaughter has been very helpful in caring for her father, fetching and carrying for him as needed. 💗💗💗

Speaking of health issues, as soon as she can be moved into her new home, Fiorella is going to make the rounds of her own doctors.

Fio is has been crying ever since she got up this morning because she's afraid Sonia is dying and, due to the snowstorm forcing Fiorella to shelter to many miles away from her darling, she'll never see her again.


Tuesday, March 9, 2021

Movies, Granddaughter, Knees, D-in-law, Doggie

Worrying about Sonia Dog and the move, Fiorella couldn't sleep last night so she watched two Midsomer Mysteries and one Crocodile Dundee. She's planning to call the kennel today to check on doggie, then dig into her assignments regarding the move. Son L is working overtime on the new and old houses, but Fio is thinking that we need an army. It would have been a lot easier if the pandemic weren't in high swing and the dang snowstorm had held back. Is there no balm in Gilead?

Come the morning, your girl pulled on some clothes and staggered downstairs to find out how to work the overhead shower, but no instructors were available so she headed back toward the second floor again--and ran into Granddaughter climbing the stairs in front of her. B's effort touched Fiorella's heart so much that even though she was ragged from her sleepless night, she turned around, took B back to the playroom, and stayed with her for the rest of the afternoon. 💗

The worst thing about Fiorella's situation--besides the virus and the snowstorm--is that she has had to load so much responsibility on other people's shoulders, especially those of son L. The knees are a problem too--one can only move so many heavy boxes before one's knees give out.

Fio should add that Daughter-in-law has also been very helpful, especially with the paperwork. 

Back to Sonia Dog, the kennel reported that she isn't eating well. Guilt overwhelms Fiorella as she wonders if the hamburger snacks and other treats she would give doggie messed up her canine palate.



Monday, March 8, 2021

Day to Day

 Fiorella started off the day by realizing she had lost her car keys. Usually they stay in her purse except when she is behind the wheel, but she seems to remember the chain being around her finger yesterday when she was taking a walk with son L and granddaughter and wonders if she lost them then. On the other hand, that "memory" might be perpetual guilt complex talking. Whatever, your girl has searched every inch of her room and bath and will be keeping an eagle eye open around the house.

Maybe there's hope for Fio yet because she seems to have finally caught onto the workings of the television in her room. The only show she watches is Midsomer Murders, of course, but it's a start.

Fiorella's shelterers ran Oklahoma on their TV last night, and your girl was weeping from the beauty of it all. Can't we stage a come-back of wonderful, meaningful musicals that subtly comment on social inequities? Surely there is a line-up of young Rodgers and Hammersteins out there just waiting to be recognized. 

 Okay, Fio will admit that "Poor Jud Is Dead" was and is her favorite song in the show--she  shivered with delight when the two male leads sang against each other. Maybe that's why she liked the close harmony of the Everly Brothers.

Fiorella knows she made the right decision when she decided to sell her empty house and move into a home with son L's family, but she didn't realize how difficult it would be. A pandemic, a devastating snowstorm, and her need for sheltering have really complicated things.



Sunday, March 7, 2021

The Bad and the Good

 Another day, another problem. Because of the snowstorm, we are running late on clearing out the house, which is going to cost us $$$, and because there's a shortage or appraisers in Austin, we're going to have to pay even more $$$. Very unhappy.

There's something in the air right now that's clogging up your girl's sinuses and she's been up a storm. Thinking it's the bouquet of large flowers on the kitchen table.

Fiorella is very grateful for son L's in-laws opening their sheltering door to her after the snowstorm, but she can't wait to move into her own new house--whenever the heck it will be ready.

Did Fio tell you that she found a pair of glasses in her baggage and, although she's guessing they were her late husband's, they're perfect for her? Whew--she's been having to use an old pair Scotch Taped to the their rims for about six months.

Steak for dinner tonight.  Fiorella really hit the jackpot with her shelter family!



Saturday, March 6, 2021

A Happy Ending

 Hi ho, hi ho, it's off to the Lost River house we go. It's no longer Fio's, of course, but your girl needs to pick up more of her clothes and Daughter, who also has a new home, plans to meet her there because she's interested in some of Fiorella's chairs, which warms her heart 💗

The only casualty in Fio's shelter home so far has been the little amber necklace that she planned to wear with her yellow-gold pullover. Ah, well--the necklace will either turn up or it won't.

By the way, Daughter did a lot of volunteer shopping for Fiorella, which your girl appreciates very much-- especially the under-eye cream, which she'd never tried before. However, she's been left wondering about the paper of black bobby pins--Fio's hair is medium brown.

Apparently the modern way to entertain a pre-school child is to run colorful cartoon shorts from countries like Korea, which Fiorella, being a linguist, is in favor of because she assumes that then the children's brains will absorb the flow of more languages than English. 


Here is Fio, back in the shelter again after she and son L drove up to her former home and worked on emptying it out for the new owner. The best part of it was that Daughter and her beau joined them and took away a lot of Fiorella's most valued furniture for their own new home.💗




Friday, March 5, 2021

Persnally Speaking

Fiorella, supposedly a very smart girl, can't believe how many stupid things she's said and done in her life. Yup, looking back, she realizes that, with the best of intentions, she's been her own worst enemy and that it's a miracle she has any friends left at all. THANK YOU!

Today is Friday, right? Fio has a calendar, but it's hard to keep track of the days without her usual milestones like wash day, grocery-shopping day, holidays, and specific TV programs.

When Son L whisked Fiorella off to an HEB less traveled yesterday, she made sure to buy an emery board and now her raggedly nails are no longer snagging on everything she touches.

Catch-up news--Son's television fix didn't work. Fio thinks TVs have become too big for their britches.

Fiorella admits she is fueling herself with Russell Stover Easter chocolate. Don't roll your eyes at her at her. You have your traditions and she has hers.😊

Thursday, March 4, 2021

From Typewriters to Television

DANG! Fio wrote two and a half charming postlets, then did something or other that erased everything. This would never have happened with a typewriter. 😠

Son L escorted Fiorella to HEB today--masked, of course--so she could have an outing and also pick up some salmon. But when your girl got back to shelter and tried to fit her catch into her hostess's refrigerator, it was a no-go, even when Fio split the salmon into two bags. What to do, what to do? Hmm... how about that fridge in the garage? Hurrah, the day and the salmon were saved! (Fio should add that, in the absence of ties, she used hair clips off a card her daughter had given her. )

How embarrassing--your girl thought she had the television in her shelter room mastered, but it's started stalling when Fio tries to pick up Midsomer Murders. Maybe it doesn't like Fio's choice of programs.

Fiorella is hoping she can get back into romance writing again once she gets settled in her new house, but it's hard to get a plot going when all your pages are stacked in boxes in the garage.

Son L was kind enough to help Fio get into Midsomer Murders again, but she doubts if it will stick. When she moves into the new home, please remind her that she wants a "normal" television.







Wednesday, March 3, 2021

Moving Onward, Dang it!

 This is the day--the day that Sonia gets transferred from free range to the confines of the Georgetown's Ponderosa Pet Resort, where she'll be boarding for a couple of weeks until Mommy moves into her new home in Austin and can arrange for Doggie to be driven down to join her. Please wish us all well.

Son and Fio will be clearing more out of the Lost River house when they're back in Georgetown, but the forest of boxes in the triple garage will have to wait until movers have been hired. Fifty-some years of marriage accumulates a lot of baggage.

Interesting--Texas's Governor Abbott doesn't give a damn about his constituents dying of coronavirus now that he and his family have been inoculated. In fact, by releasing all Covid19 restrictions, he encourages the spread! Doesn't he realize that Democrats are getting shot up as quickly as they can while all too many Republicans are putting their faith in The Donald?


 Son L and Fiorella spent a long time in her old stomping grounds in Georgetown today. First of all, they loaded Sonia Dog into Son's car--which turned out to be easier than both of them had thought it would be--then drove down the road to the boarding facility, where we all received a friendly greeting. Fiorella thought Sonia would balk, but instead, she sat down patiently while Son and Fio provided vital information, then allowed herself to be gently walked out of the room. Whew!

Next came clearing out yet another layer at Fiorella's former home, which was hard for your girl. We're down to the bare bones now.

Tuesday, March 2, 2021

More Observations

 Whoopie! Fiorella slept straight through to 6:19 this morning, a first in her home away from home. Not that son L's in-laws haven't been more than hospitable, but it's hard for your girl to adjust to new surroundings, and it will probably take her a while to adjust to the new house too. 

Shhhhhh! Don't tell neighbor Michael, but Fio is planning to turn the photo she took of him and his wife in the woods into a painting once she gets settled into said new house. Hoping she still has the talent.

Hmm....Wondering if there is anyone else in the world who takes down as many notes as Fiorella does, but the girl can't help it. Ever since she learned to print, she's left no paper unused😁

Sigh....Fio thinks we will have to hire a pick up or a truck to transport Doggie to her new home. Mastifs don't fit in cars.

Yoicks! Your girl finds it hilarious that she's been lulling herself to sleep each night with Midsomer Murders, easily the bloodiest show on TV. With at least five residents coming to barbaric ends every go-around, you'd think the British village would have been long ago put under quarantine 😁


Monday, March 1, 2021

Late Night Post

 Happy March, and Fiorella hopes this month will be better for her than February was. No inoculations are in the cards for her yet, but son L has done wonders when it comes preparations for moving out of the old house and into the new one. There's still a problem with boarding Doggie, though, and our relocation date has been moved up.

The first thing Fio wants to do when she gets settled is to contact her Gtown doctors to get her records transferred to Austin, which probably won't be as easy as it sounds.

Why is it so darn hard to get a Covid inoculation? Are they all being reserved for big wigs?

Your girl landed on her feet regarding the family that son L married into. They not only welcomed her with open arms and have been sheltering her for about two weeks with about two more weeks to go, but  have helped her get acquainted with her granddaughter, who is the most charming child on the face of the earth💗

Fiorella's posts are probably repeating themselves, but please be patient with. Your girl's world is in stasis right now and so is she.