Saturday, July 21, 2018

Out in the Woods Again

You may see Fiorella as past her prime, but the fire ants see her as prime beef. Filet mignon, to be exact.
Fio was out on the acreage for a while yesterday afternoon, gathering up rocks to shore up the driveway and pulling fallen branches out of the woodsto chainsaw into firewood for the winter--if there is one this year.
Did Fio tell you that one of the boxwoods in the row she and Husband planted two years ago is GONE? She would guess that a hungry deer ate it, not realizing it was deer-resistant. Somewhere on the acreage, there is a deer with a very bad stomach ache.
Did she also tell you that her bayberries are being eaten alive again this year? She sprayed them with the appropriate insecticide, but it may be too late. Damn--she thought they were unkillable.
This is hilarious. At this very moment, Fio is sitting on the couch in the den, supposedly working on her book while Sonia Dog snores on the right side of her and Husband, on his recliner, snores on the left side of her.  And guess who's making the most disturbing racket?

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