Sunday, October 22, 2023

 Fio had a very difficult time yesterday. Hope you did  better. Today has been better for her than the summer, but it's still way too hot.  If she had a pool in her yard or lived near a public pool, she would  pack up a swimsuit, towel, and sunglasses and have a great time. 

 ALARM, ALARM-- your girl has lost her beloved pink straw hat-- again.

On the good side, Son L was kind enough to spend a fair amount of time tending to Fiorella's banks. 

No, Fio has not found her German book yet, and she's scoured her rooms from top to bottom and under the bed.


Your girl has decided to entertain you with one of Fio's poems which you  or may not have heard before:  

                       Jack-in-the Box

       How to suffocate a clown:

       Fist you push its head way down

       Deep into the shiny box

       Until the mechanism locks

       Then you tuck the box away

       Where to wish for it to stay,

        For jacks are troublesome at best,

        Embarrassing when there are guests


        When all that I have said's been done

        Hold your tonge and tell no one

        Tell not a soal what you're about

         For he might let the damn Jack out


           And that is how to handle the latter-- 

            But Fiorella-in-the-box is another matter!


              The pond's o'r froze, 


 The pond's o'erfroze, the corn is blight  

           The fields frost silver-white

            The icebound branches of the trees

             Are breaking in the winter breeze

    The ground ishard, the sky is bare

               The sobbing wind alone disturbs the air.   

                And cries alone its grief, unreconciled,

                As Ceres searches for her missing child





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