Tuesday, October 24, 2023


 Things are looking brighter for Fiorella. Not only are her Halloween decorations mounted inside and out, but Son L took charge of her computer and got her onto a better system--at the same time getting her off of the system installed way back before Husband died. THANK YOU!

Your girl went through some family things and did her own cleaning, inside and out, and she'd like to think that the messages she's taped and pinned on the wall beside her bed are dwindling. Maybe now Fio can hitch a ride with Chariot and get her blood checked out.

Meanwhile, Fio can look through her newly found--and truly loved--German book, to which you will be subjected again. 😊😊😊😊😊

By now, of course, it is evident to you that English is a Germanic language, as are Scottish, Dutch, Swedish, and Swedish, Norwegian, Danish, Dutch, and more.


How about our word for the day being  "teacher and student?" student: 




       Your girl has found some of her old writings worthy of another go-round, so buckle your seats, hold onto the your computer, and enjoy the show!

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