Saturday, July 8, 2023

Hoping, Hoping, Hoping....

 Fiorella will ignore the bad (the loss of the past two blogs) and continue onward, onward, onward. Right now, she is waiting for her driver to appear and wisp her off to H-E-B for her weekly groceries. Then, when she gets back to the house, she'll break an orange pill in two and swallow one or the other of the remains. (Translation: she accidentally overdosed on one of her meds and has to make up for it.)

ALARM! YOU MAY HAVE HEARD THIS BEFORE, BUT YOU ARE HEARING IT AGAIN--your girl is bored, bored, bored! She's watched every ancient TV show in the world and can recite Hart to Hart in her sleep (Robert Wagner, Stephanie Powers (who is Russian), 1979-84).

ACTION is what Fio needs--action and new relationships. She wants to make something or build something. She wants to walk outside and have someone greet her by name and maybe come over and chit-chat a little. She wants to know the names of her neighbors and have them know her

Fio's biggest problem, of course, is transportation, even to church, as you well know by now, but there's always a passing hope that Chariot, our local Senior transportation, will be able to help Fio--or that her pastor could some how lasso someone into helping Fiorella. 

P.S. Please forgive your girl's misspelling  of "bored" the last time or two. (Her mother, a spelling champion, would have had a fit!)

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