Friday, July 21, 2023


 Hi, there! Guess what--when Fio went out to mail, she ran into a nice, talkative woman she's never met before. When she got home, she mention her to Son L, and he said the lady lived almost across the street from us and worked for the company that runs the place. 

Your girl is bushed again, probably because she was working on two different halfway-finished canvases and, in the back of her head, knew that she's running out of certain very important colors. Hmmm....wondering if Michael Angelo ever had that problem.

Oh, Forella forgot to mention that today turned out to be the day that solicitations from FOUR quite worthy solicitors choked up in her mailbox at once. 

OK people, your girl knows her report is dull, dull, dull, but some big story is bound to hit the stage sooner rather than later. 

OOOPS--one just did! Her computer went out on her and Fio had to take it to Son L, who talked to the thing very sternly, performed a few mistic mumbles that Fio knows not of, and WOW! Here we are again! 

GERMAN: Dunkelheit (darkness), but you must write it with a capital "D" and the "-heit" rimes with English "fight."



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