Monday, February 13, 2023


 Fiorella will admit that she is somewhat out of balance right now--but when was she ever ON balance?  Right now, she knows that (1) not only are there are too many birthday celebrations in the family for her to keep track of and (2)  she has to contact the Eye people and tell them that she finally found what she thinks is a letter saying saying that, "yes," she DOES have eyeglass insurance and it's still active.

Just in case they don't accept her letter, she'll be accompanied by her checkbook, which seems to be able  to solve all problems.

Speaking of solving problems, Fio is happy to announce that (1) she is at last learning how to cook on a somewhat different stove and in a somewhat different manner than she did at home on her own stove. and (2)  she is now dealing with the expanse of the supermarket itself much better now as opposed to when she hadn't been inside one for two years because of Covid fears. (Do you think anything will be ever be "normal"again?)

Don't tell anyone, but your girl has decided to start dieting because, while she doesn't have a scale to check herself out on, her undies and jeans seem to be a little tight. Her method, you ask? Cutting down on the chocolate and taking a nice walk up to the mailbox each day every day. (Let's see how long this lasts.)

Oops--a problem. The date that Fio wrote down for her to reappear at her favorite doctor's office is a week later than the date that his nurse quoted to herl on the phone just now, and it cuts out Cheriot, which needs to be notified a week in advance for transportation. Hmm....wonder if Sister-in-Law could help?

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