Wednesday, January 18, 2023

This and That

 Apologies for being late today--Fio spent most of the morning sleeping because of a continuing upset stomach, and later in the day, she and Son L went out on the back porch and had a long talk about their pasts and futures and dreams, then went inside and watched an outrageously hilarious Flash Gordon movie. 

Hey, hey, hey--the new oven has been installed and Fio will soon be cooking up her salmon again. Yes, it's her favorite at-home noontime treat--and she discovered it all by herself. Mom never served it  because Dad, who had grown up two blocks away from a contaminated Pennsylvania river, refused to eat any kind of fish.

Okay, we have the Christmas decorations down and (mostly) boxed so when and where will we store them? Hop to it! Your girl has some ideas for post-New Year decorations she wants to try out! 😀

Did Fiorella tell you that she had run across one of the best movies she has ever seen, "O Brother, Where Art Thou," when she was flipping through the TV choices the other night? Try it, you'll like it--the story's just as meaningful today as it was when the show first came out.

If you visit Fio at home, be sure to ask her about her inside bedroom wall because (TRUMPET SOUND!) she is very proud that she's been able to cut down the number of notes, pages, and pictures she had taped/pinned/tacked to the wall by half and one of her cork boards too.😁









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