Wednesday, January 25, 2023


 The truth of it is that the second after Fiorella graduated from the University of Texas as a PhD, she was offered a job in the Linguistics Department--and she refused it. Why? Because she was tired of learning and wanted to perform--not in the classroom, but it in real life. Besides--what had she been missing while she was burning all those midnight candles? 

The second truth is that there aren't many good jobs out there for bona-fide academics who have turned their backs on academia. So, after the house was bought and the kids were born, guess who re-entered the teaching ranks with her teeth gritted and her head bowed in humility. And guess who found out that her lofty instructors had been right--she was a born teacher--just like them....

Not that she could erase the years--Fio didn't even try to breach UT's golden gates, but slipped instead under the gates of smaller, more distant colleges, although she admits she couldn't help working upper-grade thinking into a couple of her assignments--which sometimes got her in trouble with uninformed overlords. But all in all, she prospered and was happy.

But now your girl is retired and has few people to talk with and no one to share her learning with--which would drive her crazy except for her slowly forming plans for the future. 

Yes, Virginia, there is a Santa Claus, and one way or another, Fiorella will survive and prosper.


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