Sunday, January 1, 2023


 So........Fiorella has been lurched into the New Year! Wish her well, as she wishes you!

Hmm...what will happen to her in 2203? Already, she's had a horrible dream about her mother's mink, which hadn't make it home from daughter-in-law's mother's house last week but supposedly will when Fio visits today. Also, she's still recovering from the scare yesterday when Son L discovered that a suspicious- looking man and woman had wrung the front door bell the evening before. Son thought it had been a break-in attempt--that someone else had gotten hold of our house key earlier in the day--but, as it later turned out when the police canvased the neighborhood, the bell ringers were just some neighbors' invitees trying to find a relative's house in the dark. (Whew--Fio was off the hook. At first, Son had intimated that one of her friends had been involved through your girl's carelessness.)

What to do next today? Reclaim Mother's mink, as has been said, and then, after she gets back to her house, your girl will reclaim her salon/study/studio, and stare it down, down, unless a couple of thunderbolts of genius strike her. (Now you know the technique!!!)

Hey, has Fio ever told you about George, the big, white, silky-haired, Persian who sleeps with her every night he can? Actually, her feline lover is the bane of the rest of the household because he also sneaks outside the house whenever he can. But to Fiorella, he's a constant treasure because when he's in her room, he cuddles up to her, licks her nose, and emits a sweet purr, all of which your girl  interprets as "I 💗you."

 Whenever the Christmas decorations come down, your girl is ready to help pack them away. Don't get her wrong--she LOVES Christmas and all its decorations, but wants to be on the scene when her own creations (or heirlooms) are going under the knife.

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