Tuesday, August 2, 2022

Weird Medical Stuff, etc.

 This seems to be Fio's medical week. She's attended one medical summons already (blood check), and has three to go--neurologist, knee therapy, and a repeat of the the blood suckers. She'd scheduled early on for the first blood check and the neurologist, but is out in left field for the second blood sucker. Luckily, the Health Care Service won't show up till Thursday and the knee lady won't visit the home until Friday. Followed all that? If so, you're doing better than Fiorella!

Oh, and did your girl mention that the bloodsucker is saying that Fio has taken two and a half warfarins more than she should have, which is impossible because Fio's morning pill ritual wouldn't allow it. What Fiorella thinks happened is that her pill box, which she brought with her when she was reporting in, warmed when she stuffed it in the same bag as the the propranolol. Whatever, one cannot take down a pill as scary as warfarin without being aware of it!

Turning to happier notes, that bedroom wall that your girl worked on this morning has reached the half-way point, inspiring Fio to work on harder on it even harder. (That turkey sandwich that Son L had provided the fixin's for can also be chalked up as inspirationalšŸ˜.)

Today will be brief because Fiorella is still miffed about her blood checks....or maybe she'll get inspired in an hour or so and tell you more about her life....which is what she does anyway.

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