Friday, August 19, 2022

Painting, Food, Unfinished Sky, Lust for Languages

 Batten down the hatches--as soon as Fiorella can get hold of a yellow and a brown tube of acrylic paint, your girl is going to start painting again. Her first subject will be a re-working of a portrait of her father-in-law which she never thought did him justice.  (She'll also paint over the cigarette hanging from his lip, a style back in "the day.")

Continued: So far the portrait looks good. In fact, it's amazing what a black background can do for a painting. But now, Fio has to figure out how to take care of the outreaching hand which doesn't work because the original painting was brush-stroke-by-brush-stroke painted from a photograph at a very odd angle. Nothing to do but stare at the canvas for about a week or two a solution comes to mind.

Change of subject: your girl's refrigerator needs refilling unless she's supposed to exist on crackers and chocolate. (For the sake of science, she tried it for lunch and was sickish the rest of the afternoon.)

Your girl has been sweeping through the television programs, trying to find a good show she can fall in love with like her beloved UNFINISHED SKY, an Australian masterpiece which was discontinued when the television shows were recently juggled around. Why in the world did the powers-that-be knock her favorite program off the screen? It's a classic story--boy with a dog rescues girl, she helps him find himself, evil forces attack them and kill the dog, hero protects girl, she rescues him, and they live happily ever after on his sheep farm. Got it?

In the meantime, Fio, the linguist, has decided to take another swing at German. She was top of her class in collage, but a lot of water has passed under the bridge since then. (Also, she doesn't have a friendly German girl living next door to her anymore--missing you, Vera!)




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