Friday, September 3, 2021

This and That, but Always Chocolate

It's nice to get encouragement and applause from other writers, but we're that way because there's no competition--it's the readers who decide what sells and what doesn't. (Well, the readers and whatever hoop-la we can get going.)

Fiorella is quite proud of how far along her studio is and also how far along she's gotten with Lolly's story, which she started three years ago, then abandoned when the world fell in on top of her--and now she wants to tell you that it's going to be her best romance yet!

In the meantime, Fio also keeps figuring out ways to fix up her too-small bedroom, although eventually, she'll get it remodeled and the missing knobs on her antique furniture replaced.

 Back to romance writing, Fiorella confesses that she's always pretty much written the stories as she went along, but from now on, she's going to be professional and outline them first. Maybe.

The family food order (HEB) will be delivered this evening, and your girl will fight you for the chocolate!






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